Dec 11, 2009

How Covenant Designs Gears Your Business For Success

Promise Productions' strategic marketing and branding services are results-driven to overcome obstacles to success and cause you to surpass your goals.

VISIBILITY SERVICES: being found by your prospects is essential for a steady stream of new leads and customers. We provide direct mail campaigns and postcard marketing to put your message in your prospect's hands.

We also provide Online Marketing for your business website and social media so you are found in the search engines through these 3 core strategies:
  1. Pay-Per-Click Marketing Campaigns: we take a unique approach for smart results without tasting your ad dollars.
  2. Searh Engine Optimization Services: the rules are changing and it is money well spent to stay at the top for your marketplace.
  3. Strategic Blogging Services: blog in a marketing-savvy way to best promote your company and its website.
STRATEGIC MARKETING SERVICE: We also provide Marketing INTEGRATION so your web marketing, traditional marketing, print advertising, direct mail campaigns and social media marketing all work TOGETHER for optimum results.

PROFITABILITY SERVICES: Don't forget about customer loyalty and retention programs. After all, it costs more time and money to get a new customer than it does to get repeat business from a previous customer. Don't overlook this cashflow goldmine!

Let us show you how to tack advantage of all these for increased profits -- call Promise Productions Business Marketing at 972-822-3587.

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