Apr 24, 2009

Tap The Profits Of Effective Social Media Marketing

Covenant Designs is a marketing communications firm with 17 years of success. A year ago we offered Social Media Campaigns as the third leg in the stool of SEO and PPC for business online visibility. Social Media was emerging, and evolving rapidly. Today it is outright exploding and continues to evolve at an incredible pace, outstripping many previously-effective forms of marketing.

Social Media Defined
When we say "Social Media" we are talking about the online conversation on computers and smart phones about products, services and trends. Prospects increasingly check the "online wisdom" before signing up for ANY service/product. That means comments, reviews, personal testimonies, etc.. Today, this extends to such pervasive levels as checking out the corner dry cleaners' reputation online before driving 1/4 mile to visit them.

A good example is Amazon.com which was early to see the value of putting personal reviews of a product beside it to overcome the distrust factor. They were also a leader in showing what % of the customers buy that product, and if not, what product they buy instead.

While your business may or may not offer e-commerce, the Amazon example shows the value of veering away from the "official hype" a company might make about its own product and referencing what the man-on-the-street said about it. By including social commentary, Amazon boosted the validity and trust factor and increased their "yes" sales responses.

Where & When of Social Media

This online social conversation happens in chat rooms, in blogs and microblogs (i.e. Twitter). It happens on laptops and cell phones -- on-the-go and in-the-moment.

You will want to note that video is the most powerful form of communication we have apart from speaking face-to-face. Social Media is quickly moving to video and the more your business utilizes video at all levels of promotion, the more visibility and credibility leverage you will enjoy.

In today's information age, where the timing of decisions is increasingly important to capitalize on opportunity or gain an edge over your competition, information cannot wait for the evening news or even for a web site to report on the next day; it is already being exchanged in REAL TIME via Social Media. That is exactly where your business needs to be – in the real time conversation where decisions happen.

Just How Much Does Social Media Really Matter?
When there is significant money on the table or significant visibility to be gained, yes it matters a lot. Social Media goes a long way to overcome the trust hurdle it takes any human being or business to do something new.

In many ways, Social Media is giving power to the man on the street to voice his opinion and have that opinion actually make a difference. Let Covenant Designs put Social Media to work, creating positive first impressions for your business. Printing presses and TV stations can no longer filter, constrain or spin information because Social Media has just made an end run around them! Social Media is the new Public Relations Golden Egg and more.

Reach All Your Demographic's Segments
In order to be marketed to most effectively, each must be spoken to on their terms -- by "one of their own."

I mention this foundational marketing principle of communicating to each significant segment of prospects because your Social Media needs to do exactly that!

Why Should You Outsoure Your Social Media Marketing?
1 • Because Covenant Designs can focus and stay on top of this cutting edge media. The fact is that just in the past 2 weeks, new abilities and technologies have emerged that will take blogging and twittering to new levels. It just changes too fast to not have a dedicated Social Media expert working for your business.

2 • Because Covenant Designs has all the ingredients for the recipe for success. We have writing skills, visual communication skills, technical skill, and most rare of all -- cutting edge strategy!

Blog strategy is also evolving and the rules from 2 months ago are minuscule compared to the advantages today. Likewise, the unforeseeable evolution 2 months from now means you will miss significant new advantages unless you have dedicated attention in this area.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change." (Charles Darwin)

This applies to any business as you require responsiveness where it happens most (social media) to be profitable for the long haul.

In this day and age, the person with the best strategy wins. Promise Productions provides marketing-savvy strategy that is responsive to your immediate ongoing business communication needs.

While there is more that could be said, the bottom line is that as of April 2009, not to mention traditional media, Social Media has already eclipsed many previously "forward online" kinds of activity. Your prospects are already online – making them ripe to be reached. Augment social media with video and you have pure dynamite!

Look, many people go to the gym, but few get outstanding results. Why? They lack the expert distinctions and follow through to seize those results. Likewise, while anyone can blog, most do not blog WELL, and those that do can blog more powerfully with what Covenant Designs offers.

If you are like most businesses you have very little social media and even that is haphazard and unfocused. That means no results. But on the other hand the right social media marketing strategy translates into significant market share and enormous profits.

It makes sense to put Promise Productions on a retainer to focus on Social Media strategy for your business. We are excited about forwarding your goals. Call today at 972-822-3587.

Learn More:
Social Media Marketing Strategy

Strategic Business Blogging

Our Social Media Marketing Blog Posts

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