A Word About Twitter
Twitter accounts for at least 1/3 of Social Media these days and is expanding like wildfire. The Big Three in Social Media are (1) Blogging, (2) MySpace/Facebook and (3) Twitter microblogging. Twitter is on track to lead the way and become 2/3 of all Social Media activity.
To be honest, at it's worst, Twitter let's boring people announce their boring activities during their boring day. But for businesses, the Twitter advantage is anything but boring! With Twitter's skyrocketing growth, it is on track to be the best PR and News source on the planet period.
With Twitter you can get the inside scoop DIRECT from the source -- hours before "news recyclers" (People Magazine, CNN, etc.) get and relay the info - often with their adgenda and their spin on it. The fact is that all these sources are already getting the vast majority of their news from Twitter, whether they admit it or not. In a profound recent shift, you can get all your own news without the need for traditional news media or even online news services.
News sources USED to be valuable becuase they would go out and digg up and compile the news for you. That is simply no longer needed now that blogging and tweeting by individuals, celebrities, companies, goverments, etc. -- now already has news that is ripe and instantly sendable. Twitter has made news real time, faster than CNN or anything else.

The information supermarket has just become obsolete. Just as the phone book has been obsolete for years yet continued to be used occasionally here and there, traditional media, online media, etc. has just been lapped by the ultimate RSS feed - Twitter.
In a nutshell, you want your news to get out there into the hands of prospects and others to perpetuate the buzz about your services. With new services such as PingFM and TwitterFeed, now all your blog posts can be automatically converted into condensed Twitter posts -- more than doubling your blog's effectiveness!

Attract your prospects; don't repel them with a mediocre social media presentation. You want your buzz managed effectively, professionally and with a customer-centric smile! That is what Promise Productions' Social Media Campaign services will do for you. Every action we take is marketing-savvy becuase we are geared to maximize your profits.
We let you focus on day-to-day business operation, while we stay on the cutting edge of what will get you out there. Let us maximize the results from any size marketing budget -- call 972-822-3587.
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