Apr 23, 2009

Get A Social Media Marketing Specialist For Top Results

Does Your Business Need a SOCIAL MEDIA SPECIALIST?
Some fascinating statistics were just released on April 16th from Nielsen Online. It confirms the hyper-explosive growth of social media that is overshadowing conventional web site use and conventional online marketing results.

According to the latest data, the average American Internet-user viewed over 2,554 web pages in March. As you look at the Internet trends and usage of users below, you can see the detail of what is really happening online today: (* and why you must embrace social media marketing!)

* The average person visited 111 internet domains.
* They visited an average of 2,554 web pages.
* Average time spent on a web page was 56 seconds.
* More than 137 million people used at least one Google-owned site or application
* Facebook users spent an average of 3 hours and 16 minutes grooming their sites

In this light we see that Americans are online more than ever (over 40 hours per month), however they are flipping through web pages like magazine pages, spending less than a minute per pages. Tell me, do your website visitors stick to your website for more than 56 seconds?

• Is your value proposition so clear that anyone can grasp it in under a minute?
• Are you getting the results you need from those who spend less than a minute on your site?
• Do your prospects get the right impression of your company at first glance?
• How can you track the effectiveness of your investment in the Internet?

• How can you change clicks into customers?

It behooves every business that is serious about staying in business to devote the manpower and skilled talent to suddenly manage the growing maze of social media points of distribution. Larger corporations have already started hiring social media specialists. Major universities are now beginning to offer courses for Social Media Marketing. But the problem for the "rest of us" is this: how can you maximize your Internet results using social media marketing in a time of tighter budgets?

This is where a "Social Media Strategy Expert" comes in. He or she or "they" are the trained conductors who drive today's high-speed marketing train – adjusting and promulgating your key content in real-time to the masses who populate the social media sphere. This practice of feeding a consistent, professionally crafted and search-engine-enhanced delivery of your key content has been coined "Never Stop Marketing." Like a river that never stops flowing, Social Media Marketing never stops.

You can rest assured of these three key factors:

1 • A Social Media Marketing Expert possesses the know-how to manage and orchestrate the myriad of social media destinations. The specialist understands video production on the fly, instant blog blasts that virally syndicate to hundreds if not thousands of lateral and vertical marketing points to bring your business site more quantified and qualified traffic.

2 • The Social Media Marketing Expert is a professional copy editor/writer who understands the power of the pen and how to write attention-grabbing content.

3 • The Social Media Marketing Expert is a seasoned web designer, who understands and has experience with the many social media tools and site applications.

Sure, you could hire a new employee to your team. For a truly qualified applicant, that approach will cost you easily $50,000-85,000 plus vacations, benefits, insurance and other employee costs. Another problem is that if he or she doesn't possess all the skills and expertise needed, he or she may have to be trained. Further, you face the larger issue of even finding the right talent!

Colleges and Universities have not trained social media specialists. This industry is new and growing at exponential rates. The typical Ad Agency is not the answer there either as they are behind the times.

The fact is, only seasoned web professionals who understand both the technology and the marketing sides of the Internet are currently filling the first wave of jobs needed by big business.

With the advent of social media marketing and the 17 years of commercial web building experience, now you can outsource your trained, experienced and dedicated team of Social Media Specialists who are ready to forward your goals in less time and money than getting "up to speed" internally.

The value of their expertise and practical on-the-job experience means you are guaranteed a mearurable return on investment that you cannot achieve with a younger, inexperienced beginner.

Moreover, you don't have the increase your payroll or invest in more computers and systems to be successful with social media marketing. In fact, retaining your Social Media Marketing team is as easy as leasing a new car or truck for your business. Your investment is for only that you actually need. No long term contracts. No OSHA issues. No benefits to drain your business of more profits. Instead, retaining a professional team of Social Media Specialists insures that you have a creative and experienced team, directing your content through the maze of social media Web 2.0 site targets with dependable and measurable results.

During an average one-year contract, a team of specialists will manage your social media professionally, effectively and efficiently. The team approach will save you thousands in employee costs, give your business a true, hyper-marketing push by insuring that you have a professional team delivering social media success for your business.

The bottom line: the more exposure to your customers, more interaction with your customers and more dialog you have with your customers, the greater the probability that clicks will become clients.


If you need professional, creative social media help, let the professionals of Promise Productions Marketing Communications show you how easy and affordable Social Media Strategic Orchestration really is. We have offered web design and marketing expertise since 1992. Promise Productions offers effective Marketing, Video Production, Podcasting, Multimedia, Web Site Development, Strategic Blogging and Search Engine Marketing. Call 972-822-3587 to speak to a live person now.

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