Dec 28, 2009

Social Media Is The Key To Powerful Word-Of-Mouth Marketing

"Social Media" is THE buzzword of 2010, friends, and every professional is wondering if it's here to help, or here to destroy, their business. Some practitioners say that all social media is good for is wasting time on the internet, while others swear by its potential.

Everyone agrees, however, that it changes all the rules about getting new business. The New Marketing is here, and here to stay. So the answer to is Social Media Marketing good or bad for you is it depends:

• Are You using social media to market in a strategic way?
• Are You integrating multiple social media sites to amplify their effectiveness?
• Are You reaching your prospects with value that is meaningful to them?
• Are You learning from their likes and dislikes?

Question: What's better than great word-of-mouth for your business?
Answer: great word of mouth ONLINE -- where it can spread to thousands, circulating on business directories and social media sites to prospects both locally and worldwide.

Social Media Marketing is key to enjoying these rewards. Every month, millions of people discover new products and services and share their experiences and opinions on them. People are already talking about your marketplace and your brand. Are you engaging with them? Are you joining the conversation, helpfully steering them to the benefits and value your company provides?

If your business does not have an effective strategy to do this, you are increasingly losing the listening of your prospects. And, sooner or later, that will spell the death of any business.

However, the reverse is also true: customers love to have the company interact with them. It makes them feel important and listened to. It can resurrect that near-dead holy grail of marketing -- brand loyalty. There are many more benefits (including Positive PR) and we will be happy to discuss them with you when you call 972-822-3587 for a strategic marketing consultation.

Happy New Year, fellow business owners, and here's to a bright 2010 for all of us!

Warmest regards,
Promise Productions Marketing Communications • 972-822-3587
Los Angeles  |  Dallas  |  Las Vegas  |  Houston

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