Of course your online shopper is cost-conscious. You have to offer a competitive price and I am assuming you already are doing this with your e-commerce website. This much is obvious so I will not say more.
One thing I will say about price is that if you are looking for a good product to sell online, my suggestion is to choose smaller items that do not weigh a lot. The reason is simply that these items have lower shipping costs, thereby making the overall cost lower (and more attractive) to your clientele.
You should already be savvy about your product prices. What you want to focus on is TRUST.
The best way to increase trust (which smooths the way for more sales) is to put 3rd party opinions and reviews on your site. The best e-commerce sites allow users to even upload videos about the particular product they themselves have made.
One reason is that all marketing is shifting rapidly to "social media marketing". Your e-commerce web site design will increase in sales because other consumers "just like them" have already bought and tried the product and tell you how it performed for them.

Sure, people can play some games with this feedback review system by putting in fake reviews, but, over time as dozens of buyers rate the product, a theme will emerge as the general consensus about how the product performs and compares to others.
In this case other customers will tell your customers which products to buy and how good of a value they are. The price you pay is the time to incorporate feedback reviews into your e-commerce site. The advantage you get
When your prospective buyers see you are not afraid to have a bad review of your product here and there, they trust you more and your sales increase.
So do yourself a favor and boost your profits with products that have real value. You'll be glad you did.

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