1 • Know Your Distinct Value
It is not necessarily about what you think sets your business apart -- no, it is about WHY your customers actually come to you. To really know this, you have to be in dialogue with your customers. Know what sets you apart as specifically as possible.
This truth underscores why it’s important to be involved in social media consersations -- monitoring what is being said about your company. and reconcile your customers’ opinions with your story so that the brand message is consistent and credible.
2 • Knowing Your Value Proposition, maximize it!
Maintain excellence around your differentiators. Unlike ads, social media has permanence. Since what’s expressed about your brand is permanently searchable, if you are always changing the message of your value your business communications, you will confuse your audience and water down your brand.
3 • Be Visible Where Your Prospects Are
Set up your social network hub where your customers are. We recommend a presence on Facebook because it is the largest social network with over 300M users and is one of the top-trafficked site in many countries. The volume and the intent (sharing, lifestyle) make it suitable for any business.
4 • Use Social Media To Provide Value
Everyone wants value, so do your customers. Use content about your differentiators as “landing beacons.” Attract interested consumers to your hub with great content. You want consumers (and prospective customers) to be attracted to and stay loyal to your brand because of your value -- your differentiators.
5 • Make fans not friends.
Fans on Facebook and Followers on Twitter give users the power to opt-in to being associated with you, which is exactly what you want. It’s low risk (non pushy) for your fans, and you can stay focused on sharing the great things about your brand.
6 • Engage, not advertise.
Social Media is about sharing what you love. As a business, share what you are passionate about -- things that would interest your prospects. Do things that would please them, reward their loyalty, and personalize whenever possible. In this way you become ATTRACTIVE.
7 • Link to allies.
Simply take natural allies and promote each other's services. It is win-win, but you have to be willing to actually give of your time and energy first.
8 • Partner with brands that complete the picture
Your industry may synchronize closely with other industries. A lawncare service might partner (associate themselves) with a tree trimming business. Diamonds and gold go together. Wedding gowns and wedding photography might form a strategic alliance.
In your network, introduce the partners that best complete the customer's experience. Prospective customers of their business might be good prospects for your's too.
9 • Respond quickly, and with empathy, to negative posts.
Brands, like people, show their true colors when they’re under attack, so complaints, though unpleasant, can be opportunities for you to shine. Unless it’s a systemic problem, other fans will likely ignore the complaint, rise to defend you, or understand that the issue is between the complaining fan and you.
In most cases, they will appreciate that you did something, even if all you do is to request to address the issue offline with the complaining fan. Doing nothing makes observing fans wonder what happened.
10 • Develop a social media policy for your employees.
How many of the 300M Facebook users also work for you? Chances are, quite a few. Employees can be your biggest promoters… or unintentional detractors. As you venture into social media, make sure that your employees are on the same page as you.
Promise Productions is a Dallas-Based Strategic Marketing Communications Firm. One of our strengths is in managing company's Social Media Marketing Campaigns. For social media and other ways to be most profitable, call 972-822-3587.

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