Email marketing evolved from direct mail marketing. We all remember times when we got receive unsolicited mails in our physical mailbox. Do you remember and looking at reading some of them? Some were junk that never invited further examination, but quite a few were able to win your interest, and perhaps, they even made you say - "I want what this person is offering."
Today's email marketing has a wealth of possibilities for growing your business. You see, more than a printed piece, your email can contain photos and links to your products and services -- all with automated tracking that direct mail marketing never had. In addition, email marketing is perfect for today's Internet-savvy customers, plus it eliminates the cost or printing and postage!
- Email marketing is a more inexpensive option. Sending emails is far cheaper than actually printing and mailing letters.
- Generating leads for an email marketing campaign is easier. People are more likely to leave their email addresses rather then a real, physical address.
- With Email marketing, you have the advantage of being able to do multiple levels of follow-ups. A direct mail piece has but one chance to convince the recipient to purchase a product or a service. Email marketing can convince the prospect into subscribing to a mailing list, ensuring in the process that he or she would receive future emails for future offers. Additionally, the recipients of emails can be led to a website for further conversion possibilities.
Email marketing has three purposes:
- To win sales
- To Increase awareness of your brand, products and services
- To gather sales leads
- A clear communication of your Value Proposition or Special Offer
- Visual Design to appeal to your audience
- Marketing-Savvy links and response systems to promote your website
- Professional management of your email list

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