Marketing is letting people in on the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of your products and services. Selling is trying to get or make people do what you want. That is pushy and domineering.
On the other hand, when we say "marketing" we mean causing your prospects to hear and welcome the ways you can serve them. There's no pushing because a marketing communications means an intentionally designed conversation where both you and them win.

The WHAT Of Our Marketing Services
Sure we offer all kinds of services from web site design and web site promotion to social media marketing to video production to graphic design to photography and video marketing. But what makes each of these services so effective for our clients is our mindset, our perspective -- our understanding of the psychology of success.
Here's a case in point: most anyone (your geeky friend for example) can make a blog. Nothing unique there. But can they guide you to make that blog a strategic marketing success? A place where prospects find and gladly go to get value and want to share it with their colleagues - further increasing your success? Therein lies the value! A blog, a website, a video -- if not done with smart marketing psychology, is just more noise in the system. There is no connection to motivate anyone to give you their business. It becomes clear that the incredible key to real value comes in physiological strategies of success, that USE various marketing channels and technology. The technology is never the answer; only the strategic use of it to best serve your profits.
Let me say it this way: it is ALL in the Performance and Results you get back in return for your time and money. What makes all the difference is causing your best prospects to WANT to do business with you. There is no pushing your business on anyone -- that does not work. Rather your marketing becomes more effective with less effort through marketing distinctions of success. Some call it "inbound marketing" and others call it "pull marketing" (vs push marketing).
Yes effective marketing involves your value proposition -- a communication of benefits -- but there is no "selling" when your prospects are best encouraged to already welcome and want to do business with you.
Here are some elements of marketing psychology that result in success and profits for your company:
1. Trust-Based Marketing: the psychology of trust is foundational to cause clients to want your products and services. Our marketing strategies foster trust at every level -- from the colors of your logo design, to the layout on your website design, to your direct mail and even your candid communication on your social media marketing. You need to show them what you value. You need to reassure them you will not grab their money and run. You need to show yourself trustworthy.
2. Effectively Understanding your Clients: in order to best appeal to them and actually create opportunity for them you must understand them -- their current challenges, their needs and their desires.
3. Mind, Will and Emotions: successful marketing reaches your prospects at every level so it works on all personality types and decision-making styles. As a businessperson, you naturally tend to communicate in the way that most makes sense to you. Bosses naturally tend to lead with the motivational approaches that work best on them. And so forth.
But all of that is self-centered. There is no reaching INTO the world of your prospect and thus little motivating connection for them to bond with your business. Without meaning to, you are making your prospects WORK to understand and relate to you. Good marketing, is prospect-centered. It shows you understand them and opens the doors to trust, to relationship and to profits.
Your customers don't need to see things your way. You need to see things their way. Through demonstrating understanding of both their challenges, wants and desires now you can communicate with them in a way whereby they naturally HEAR the VALUE you intend to provide. Rapport is established. Trust is established. You are not struggling to be valued any more. You are wanted and profits flow.
We all want to be served. Companies that actually serve the highest well being of their prospects get business in ANY economic conditions because there is ALWAYS a demand for good service in the largest sense of the word. But until you communicate in the best way for them to HEAR your value, you will remain in financial struggle and frustration.
Let's put and end to any struggle in your business and replace that with clients who understand you and appreciate all that you offer them.
Each business has a unique value proposition and a unique marketplace to dominate. When you best serve your marketplace and communicate that service you will naturally enjoy the largest market share. Let us serve you be creating a match, an alignment, regarding what you want your prospects to think about you that opens the door to them giving you their business.
If you are a company that is willing to be of service to your marketplace, we can translate service into the specific strategies and marketing communications that will turn on the tap for all the business you can handle.
At Promise Productions, we look forward to freeing your business to enjoy the profit share you've always wanted. Let's start with where you are today -- call 972-822-3587.
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