One of the most valuable assets both your company and your prospects possess is time. Business relationships are both formed and dissolved faster than ever -- based on effectively meeting customer needs (or not).
If you want to make the most of precious time to attract the best level of new customers for optimum profits, then you will want to keep reading...
Marketing Communications is the art of most effectively appealing to your ideal customer's needs. The appeal must touch their minds, emotions and wallets. There is no better investment for success than to get your Marketing Communications FINE TUNED in all your Advertising and Marketing (print, web, social media, etc.).
The 3 Biggest Marketing Mistakes That Rob You Of Profits
There is business being done all around you right now. Opportunity abounds in every economical climate. If it is not abounding for your business, (1) either you have a lousy product or service, (2) or you need professional marketing services (from a company like Covenant Designs of course) that attract new business using today's successful marketing strategies.
Unless your company uses a dedicated marketing communications professional, doing business becomes like trying to saw down a tree with an old, dull saw -- it can still be done, just slowly and with a lot of unnecessary struggle.
These are the three avoidable mistakes that we, as a Dallas Advertising Agency see most often that kill off the profits you could be enjoying:
1• Not getting to the point. You must quickly state your Value Proposition to your prospect. Respect everyone's time and communicate what you have to offer in the way that best appeals to them. What is the value for them to engage with your business proposal or your services? Unless your marketing and advertising quickly states your value, you are missing opportunities left and right. Many businesses fail badly here and don't even realize it because they...
2• Fail to focus on benefits. Businesses know themselves and their business. Good right? Not entirely! The most successful businesses know their customers. Marketing and advertising that speaks your language but fails to speak your customer's language is simply wasted money.
Many businesses sincerely imagine they are promoting benefits, when in reality, they are pushing Features at their prospects. There is a world of difference. Put your marketing in the hands of a professional that clearly knows the difference between benefits and features and your ROI will gain much more traction. Read More on Banefits vs. Features here.
3• Behind The Times with Social Media Marketing. The third reason we see so many businesses struggling is that their advertising methods are not in sync with their customers. Today social media marketing has exploded in size and popularity, but many businesses are at a loss as how to take advantage of this powerful new media.
Social Media Marketing communicates in a different way than corporations are accustomed to. Your value proposition must attract, not push. It must be short and it must be often. Bypass any awkward or ineffective stabs at social media and use Promise Productions to go direct to the most effecitve methods and strategies.
If there is a mismatch in the way you present your benefits or neglect to communicate them because they are choked by your features, even though you may have something great to offer that could make your company a fortune, your prosect will not "get it" (shutting down that enthusiasticly open wallet). If your Value Proposition is blurry, your business will be passed by.
Lastly, if you are not leveraging social media, you are missing an enormous opportunity to engage with your best prospects in the media they prefer and trust.
Each marketplace and business is unique. So at Promise Productions Marketing Communications, our strategies are custom applied to bring your business both short-term and long-term properity. Call 214-703-0360.
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