Now first of all, you don't really expect me to tell you EXACTLY how I did it, but I did. Here's what I can reveal:
This would not be possible without strategic social media marketing. The power our strategies give you for virtually instantaneous visibility is unlike anything I have ever seen or used. OK, in my excitement, I might sound like a commercial, but it works and I have proof!
Oh, and I should mention, all this is ABOVE and BEYOND the company web page. Meaning that these additional coveted rankings on Google are in addition to where your corporate web site ranks through traditional SEO services or through Pay-Per-Click search engine marketing.
I am all the more excited about real proof of value because there is a whole SWARM of bogus companies literally preying on your desire to put your company's products and services in high-visibility positions (like the Holy Grail of Internet Marketing -- First Page Google Results). But they all lack when it comes to delivering results. Well I did it not just once but 5 times, read on...
OK, then I referenced the video on a strategic blog I built for that purpose. Then I referenced the blog post on another strategic business blog. I am building a "chain" of social media posts, all referring and referencing the other link UP the chain. (see our strategic blogging services here)


• 5th place with the Social Media Distribution system.
• 6th place with the YouTube video.
• 8th place from a 3rd party well-established web site that referenced my service (not the official company web site)
• 9th place from one strategic blog
• 10th place with the other strategic blog
You'd think I'd be thrilled, yes but I want more. The beauty is that this will ONLY BUILD. As other sites reference, view, forward and share the information, more links will build from a growing mass of positive PR. My next steps are to leverage our Twitter Marketing and Online Video Distribtion services.
Did I achieve this by "going viral"? No, that is not necessary. In fact, the YouTube video has been viewed less than 10 times thus far! No matter what anyone else might try to tell you; you can never control if something is going to "go viral" or not. Going viral is a nice intention, and it can be encouraged by certain strategies, but it is too unpredictable and never an element in our Social Media Marketing Strategy for corporations.
I achieved this through smart strategy. A social media strategy designed to create a CASCADE of links rippling out from my initial action. Call it leverage: get the biggest results from your marketing efforts. With a social media megaphone in place, even when you whisper, it still shouts.
What am I going to do next? I am going to Tweet about it and build the buzz momentum. So do I wish you luck in your marketing? No, I wish you "strategy."
Covenant Designs is a Dallas-based Strategic Marketing Communications firm, catering to successful companies that are ready to enjoy greater success. We believe that success is designed. We believe in dominating your marketplace to enjoy the lion's share of the profits. We believe in working smarter for sweet success.
We're not here to hoard our success; we are here to share it with like-minded businesses. If you beleive what we believe and want any aspects of your Advertising, Marketing and Business Development goals amplified (Print, Web, Video, New Media, Social Media, etc.) call us today at 972-822-3587.
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