You see, "No va" means "Doesn't Go" in Spanish. Who wants a car that doesn't even go? No one. How many millions did that oversight cost the auto industry?
My business friend, although you mean well, don't be your own worst enemy by unprofessional corporate messaging. Often these kinds of disasters come from trying to say something that is clear in your mind and simply doing an awful job of translating it into a message that your audience can appreciate or even understand. Worse, the mistake is not realized until it is too late.
This presents a great example of why getting an outside professional marketing communications perspective on your advertising is not just a good idea, but a necessity in times where you don't have the budget to dig your way out of a marketing disaster.
But frequently companies fail to get that outside expert opinion for a number of different reasons. Here's the shoddy thinking that, while intended to benefit the company, actually sets it up for innefective marketing or even a bankrupsy:
1 • "Our company can't afford the time/money to get a real professional to look at it."
I don't know how much your time and effort is worth, but few companies have the surplus funds it costs to keep missing the ball. Your advertising dollars can be wasted on inefficient marketing without the company's leadership even knowing it. Like trying to saw down a tree with an old, rusty saw -- the time and expense to get the ideal saw is minute compared to the benefits your receive. Likewise, it is the ideal marketing STRATEGY that makes your marketing communication go further and produce more.
2 • "Our company does not need an outside firm to review our work."
Sadly, we see this attitude from time-to-time and it's such a destructive approach. Smart communicators realize that they come from a certain perspective, experience and bias and as a result, know that it's critical to make sure that when they speak or write that what they communicate can resonate with the target audience. It's not an admission of weakness; in fact, it's an act of wisdom to accept that you're not all-knowing.
After all, you are not marketing to yourself; you are marketing to them. So doesn't it make just to ensure that you are effectively reaching them with all your promotions?
3 • "We just didn't think of it that way."
This is the most common reason a well-indended marketing campaign turns into a waste of time and dollars. But why not enjoy the benefit of "hindsight" ahead of time through outsourcing your marketing strategy to a firm like Covenant Designs?

That means effectively targeting and communicating with your prospects. It means motivating them into your desired action. Come, see the difference professional marketing in any advertising media can make for your company's profits. Call 972-822-3587.
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