Covenant Designs is a leader in Video Production in Dallas. We own our own cameras and know our workflow to a "T". Did you know that most video production companies actually rent their video cameras the day of the shoot and use freelancers to run it? Tell me, how can you be an expert on equipment and talent that is not even yours? How can other companies call themselves professional when they don't even have the gear needed to do video production in the first place? What kind of results will you get when they are familiarizing themselves with the technicalities as they go along... at your expense!
With 17 years of Corporate Marketing expertise, 10 years in Digital Photography, and 3 years in High Definition Video production, we are Dallas' leader in high definition video production that produces results. Yes we own the right high definition video equipment and know the technicalities to make great videos, but most importantly operate from a marketing communications perspective. That means, we are professional communicators who create videos that tell the Right Story to cause the response you want.
We produce video "on purpose" whether your purpose is to increase sales, to educate or train, to promote, or to market your services. From script to screen, our videos generate the impact that makes your clients the money they want and keeps them coming back for more.
Today, video offers the biggest bang for your marketing buck. Our high definition video service means that your video can be used for the highest quality and widest array of playback and broadcasting possibilities -- both today and into the future.
Promote your products and services with marketing-savvy high definition video -- call our Dallas video production studio at 972-822-3587. Get A Quote.
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