Right Video gets Right Results
It is a simple fact: video is the best way to show your prospects why they should want to take action. And showing is more powerful than telling.
So much more powerful that different surveys report that a video message, presentation or explanation on your website results in a 50% to 400% increase in responses! I suppose the range of results came from the range in quality of the web videos.
Fortunately for you, not everyone realizes this yet so you have the opportunity to leap ahead of the curve. 2009 is the year of Internet video. Businesses that embrace it will excel while those that don't will stagnate and whither.
There are many reasons why this is so, but I will mention three simple but profound ones here:
1 • Video is fun. People like receiving information through videos. It feels like a treat instead of work. I get emails each week from friends sending me fun videos. People like videos and like to share them and receive them. A well-done video will be seen by many many eyes.
2 • Video engages you in a conversation. And marketing communication is about fostering trust and business relationships through straightforward clarity -- the exact area professional web video provides.
Your video may just have a voiceover explaining the visuals or there may be a person's face in the video. Either way, the impersonalness of the Internet dissolves into a place where understanding and value can be grasped.
3 • Video can explain even complex things quickly and clearly. With video you get a window in which to display any visual that best makes your point. Whether that is a moving photo, a chart / graph or a full animation, video can deliver the best visuals to explain any product or service.
The catch: most people are not trained in communication and do not communicate nearly as effectively as they could, making their business results suffer accordingly. To get the best results with your website video, you need to think through what you want to say and the best way to say it. Not every business owner can list that as their strength. We all value our time and a poorly done video makes the user feel he has wasted his time, effectively killing your profit potential.
All the more reason to let a professional marketing communications firm like Promise Productions create your message for maximum impact.
Strategic Places in Your Website to Place Online Video content:
While the sky is the limit and most anything worth saying is worth saying best with video, here are some key areas common to many web sites that are golden opportunities for Internet video:
1. The Home Page: engage your prospect from the first moment with a welcome video. This greatly improves your website's "stickiness", meaning that it encourages them to "stick" around on your site to learn more -- all of which gives you greater persuasion power.
2. Services Pages: services are usually more abstract than products, so they are ripe for an explanation video. These videos should focus on the benefits the customer receives from the service.
3. Portfolio and Products Pages: a video can whiz many examples past a prospect quickly -- much more than they would end up seeing if they had to keep clicking to get the same amount of information on their own. The result is that the customer comes to receive more messages of your businesses' value to him/her through web video that they would have without that video.
Lastly, anywhere your site needs a boost because it is not reaching your audience is an ideal place to liven up with video. Think about your own business and imagine what a professional video could do for it. Then call Promise Productions at 972-822-3587.
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1 comment:
What's exciting is that now that Flash 9/10 supports H264 and F4V (Adobe Media Encoder), it's possible to serve up extremely high quality, sharp, rich videos without having to worry too much about people's internet connection speeds not being fast enough to support the video streams!
Now that dial-up is a minority and 5MBps connections seem to be becoming he entry level, we truly are in an age where we can have video! What's more - as I've mentioned, flash is the best conduit for displaying videos - and as it's so ubiquitious, we're seeing more and more mobile browsers supporting it... or Flash Lite, the mobile version.
The web has arrived at the video age and it now takes more than just a web developer to deliver a web site!
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