Why Relationships will Make or Break your business in 2009

The unique part of social media is the "social" part, which is about creating connections and relationship based on something in common. Many businesses are only a fraction as successful as they could be today because they have neglected the "relationship" in their business relationships.
Many businesses do not understand marketing and end up only TALKING AT "Consumers" instead of really seeking to understand and provide value for their customers. Conversely, business that master marketing as the art of GIVING, can create both loyalty and millions in revenue.
Even a company like AT&T that deals with masses of customers and cannot be individual with them still lives or dies based on successfully meeting their client's needs. While that is simple, it is profound. No company is too big or too successful that they do not live or die apart from SERVING.
Enlightened self-interest initiates positive business relationships. Unenlightened self-interest in business is looking to not have to serve, but only be served. That does not work. There is a direct link between the stocks that are up or down and the companies that successfully serve.
Your value equals the amount of service your business provide.
Current Example: Starbucks started humble and provided a service: quick, high-quality coffee in a SOCIAL environment. They got cocky started pushing what THEY wanted instead of what the customer wanted. Service suffered in every sense of the business word and they are now being humbled and struggling to stay afloat. The customer need change, the price-points changed, their service attitude changed -- but they did not and they quickly found themselves on their way to being passed by. Only by revamping their service, and their attitude towards service are they holding what market share they have left.
Enter Social Media
2008 has witnessed the maturity of social media for both personal and business interests. A whirlwind of advancements and features have taken social media from its infancy to a force to be reckoned with.
In 2008, advertising agencies were the first to lead the way with the business use of social media by mining sites like MySpace, Facebook and Linkedin for demographic information. Others had some initial success at mining email addresses for spam.
While these activities were grey at best, they underscored a vital truth: any online area where people reveal their age, gender, likes and dislikes is a
gold mine for presenting a marketing message to the right audience.
Because of social media, Word-of-Mouth was moving online.
In the last half of 2008, MySpace became the preferred arena of 12-24 year old's whereas Facebook became the #1 adult social media site.
Imagine the transformation: a core human need was suddenly being addressed with new media -- the impersonal online world suddenly had "friends". Friends that would listen to you. Friends that would read your blog. Friends that would welcome you. Friends that liked what you liked.
Friends that would
affirm and
contribute -- sharing back in a
relevant way. Masses flocked to get this need met in astounding numbers, proving yet again that if you meet a real need, the power is profound.
The business side of this phenomena is equally compelling. How many big business deals were actually conducted off the phone and outside the conference room from the golf course, to the gym locker room, to the steak dinner etc in a
SOCIAL setting.
Social Settings, from Starbucks to a business lunch provide a VITAL VITAL ingredient --
TRUST from a more authentic conversation -- one with less "agenda" and push to it. Time is invested to listen and understand -- demonstrating that the relationship is valued.
Personableness and authenticity is what humans require in order to trust. How we feel about a thing determines our actions, and as a buyer, that applies to everything across the board from whether we pick tea or coke at a restaurant to whether we buy Ford or Honda.
When we don't trust, we are unable to listen, and cannot hear value or opportunity -- killing action and killing relationships.
It becomes clear that your business needs a marketing agency like
Promise Productions that understands this and is poised to harness it in a way that benefits your clients and your bottom line alike.
Social Medial provides connections. Shared interests. An easy way to both broadcast and tune in to what you like and are about. Connections form relationships. Business relationships are likewise built on providing the most benefits.
Who's Your Friend?
What is the "take away" from the ongoing evolution of social media to Your interest in success, in clients, in profits?
Let me answer that by first asking what is a real friend? One that will go out of his/her way to be and do FOR you. The opportunity in 2009 is to harness social media to develop MEANINGFUL relationships. Businesses LIVE AND BREATHE meaningful relationships.
Businesses who are not affirming their customer's needs and going out of their way to supply them will whither away. In today's online world,
websites and
blogs must be developed as
integrated marketing communications pieces to show that your business understands your prospect and offers meaningful value. Neglect this and your business will whither away.
Since you are reading this, congratulations, it shows you are willing to give service in order to get market-share and profits. You are now primed for rewarding business relationships!
You have to GIVE to get. While the bottomfeeders spend most of their time looking for the magic shortcut to not really have to give and still scam their way into getting, the true successes of 2009 will be those who realize:
• You can't love everybody meaningfully so you have to define/target your audience.
• The most valuable business relationships are based on understanding, listening to and responding with communication that demonstrates a real solution to your prospect's needs.
How we apply this to your business in 2009: Promise Productions offers:
Market analysis to identify your ideal customer and the way to use, not just traditional media but also web sites, blogs and social media to present your value to them.
Web Site Analysis, what is right and wrong with your current approach and how the message targeting, the visual presentation and the programming needs to change to catch the market share you deserve
Strategic Blogging provides meaningful content, useful content along with links back to your site where its search engine visibility improves and a relationship can be formed.
• Professional visuals: in today's image-dominated world you have to have the right look to be taken seriously and even listened to. We do just that with
graphic design,
digital photography, and professional
Enjoy the rewards of positive business relationship, call Promise Productions at
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