Feb 13, 2013

The Mobile Revolution Changes Search Marketing Forever

We at Promise Productions recognize the fact that today, over 50% of Internet searches for local services are done from a mobile device. That % is likely to climb to 90% by the end of 2013!

This is a true "game changer" and it means 2 very important things for ANY business of ANY size that uses the Internet to attract new customers:

1. More prospects will now see your company's mobile website than they will your main website. 

2. Since Google detects when a user is searching from a mobile device, they give preferential ranking to companies with a mobile site -- one tailored to the experience on a smaller table or smartphone screen.

This means your oh-so-precious search ranking can now be eclipsed by a mobile searcher. 

This is a serious advantage for the early adopter of a mobile website to gain major market share over the competition. It also means those who fail to adapt, trusting only in their nice non-mobile website, will see dramatically diminished returns on new business leads, no matter how fancy or well-optimized that main website was. The smartest companies will invest in a good design and SEO for both their main and their mobile sites. But the main need for improvement is to take advantage of the search engine visibility boost from a business mobile website!

If any of our website and mobile website design, optimization and marketing can help your company, we'd be happy to be of service.

To promote your company with mobile websites, mobile app development and Dallas Mobile Marketing, we can be reached at 877-858-0071.

To your success!

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