Today, most products and services have become a commodity, resulting in ever-decreasing customer loyalty. As a business ower, we encourage you to think, not of "loyalty" but more in terms of a Customer Relationship. The simple thing the customer always wants to know is — "What's in it for me?"
Therein is the secret to effective marketing -- especially your follow-up marketing campaign. Keep giving the customer what they want, whether that is an innovative product or outstanding service.
These chart below clearly shows the value of successfully marketing to your existing customers to maintain your cashflow. If you do nothing you will not stay the same; your business will decline. If you don't market to your existing customers, statistics say you will not keep them. Statistics say the average business in America loses 1/3 of its customers each year. So unless you want to spend the extra time, budget and effort to make more than 1/3 of your business from brand new relationships. you will decline. So you'd better engage in a smart strategy to keep your existing customers.
Given the much lower cost to keep a client than to get a new one plus the reduced time and finances to maintain existing customers rather than recruit new ones, your most effective marketing dollar is in a customer retention campaign.
Let us bring ideal clients and optimum profits your way through these and other smart marketing strategies. Call Promise Productions today at 972-822-3587.
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