Sep 23, 2009

Website Redesign? What's Your Strategy?

At some point in time, every business takes a look at his or her website and decides it's the right time for a web site redesign.

"Some want to make it slicker, some more effective. Some have new products and services that are not on their website and it needs to catch up. Some are redesigning their companies and going after new market opportunities and need to optimize their website around an updated business model."

Let's face it, maybe your business has put off redesigning your website because it can be difficult and time-consuming. Well relax, we are Marketing Communications -- we can organize your material for an effective Internet presentation through your company web site. We can incorporate the latest programming techniques, make it search engine friendly and even add online video to really grab your target audience. After all, your website is your company's premier marketing piece.

All of this underscores why it is vital to have a smart strategy in place for your marketing both online and offline. Did you know that Tony Robbins states that "80% of success is having the right strategy" and the 20% is the proper implementation of that strategy.

That is where Promise Productions comes in. We are the strategy people. With offices in Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas and Las Angeles, we cover the Southwest and West Coast. That means we are here for you to optimize, not only your web site, but your business strategy to THRIVE in today's market.

When you think about it, you already know that people are still buying products and services, but JUST the ones that are most compelling to them. Let us make YOU compelling to them -- to their needs and desires, but offering an opportunity that hits them where they live.

Promise Productions is more than design, more than video production, more than business blogging, more than web site design and development, more than web search engine marketing, we are communicators that provide the innovative strategy that makes all your marketing serve your business cash-flow needs. So call us today at 972-822-3587.

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