Jul 8, 2009

Dallas Advertising During a Recession - Top Tips

"He who stops advertising to try to save money, could just as easily stop his clock to try to save time." - Henry Ford

Businesses that advertise regardless of economic times actually have an enormous competitive advantage over businesses that trim their ad budgets. Advertising during a sluggish economy boosts the confidence that potential customers have in your company, delivering a consistent message that you are a strong, viable and stable company. That boost to propsect's confidence and trust is a priceless advantage.

A study conducted by McGraw-Hill during the 1981-1982 recession found that companies that cut advertising increased their sales 19% following the recession while companies that continued to advertise during the recession experienced a 275% increase in sales.

That is why advertising right NOW -- in July & August -- will pay for itself MORE than 12 TIMES OVER -- even in the short-term. There simply is no better investment than to invest in your own success!

As the economy continues to improve, the top-of-mind awareness you've built will result in a sustainable competitive advantage, increasing brand identity and lead generation. You have created your own success momentum -- if you market yourself right, right now. More visibility in the right places right now puts your business on the fast track to right profits.

For strategic marketing, taking advantage of such technologies as Web Development, SEO, Video Production and Social Media Marketing, call the top-rated Dallas Marketing and Branding Firm of Promise Productiosn at 972-822-3587.

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