Just take a look at the chart below and spot all the disconnects between what marketers value compared to what consumers value. This is reposted from Steve Olinsky responding to an article in Forbes.
view consumers’ proactivity via social media as more engaging then
consumers do. The inflation of “engagement” in this case has been caused
by the ease of social media use and equating online followers with
successful marketing. Measurement of social media engagement is an area where CMOs often don’t know what they don’t know.
disconnects in how marketers and consumers understand and value
engagement tactics may cost marketers great opportunities. The biggest
schisms are found in approach to redemption rates, discount codes
and loyalty programs. Additionally, marketers’ attempts at
personalization and customization engage few consumers. This finding may
stem from consumers’ high expectations of what true customization and
personalization stands for.
Younger consumers
identify strongly with brands, who have only a partially-developed self-identity and thus view
their relationship with brands as a reflection of self. And they
approach and interact with them in a variety of ways, from social media
to traditional advertising. They don’t necessarily view this as
engagement, however. Rather, their view of how they interact with
and relate to brands is much more holistic.
Just take a look at the chart below and spot all the disconnects between what marketers value compared to what consumers value.
the most glaring example of a disconnect from the above chart lies in
the fact that 49% of marketers rate forwards or shares of ads or other
content online as a strong influence on their engagement measures, but
just 15% of consumers say they feel engaged or invested in a brand when
they share an ad.
So the
next time all you marketers out there break into a happy dance because
100 people shared your ad you may want to temper your enthusiasm just a
tad as it is not indicative of a consumer who is necessarily engaged
with your brand per se.
And you also may want to not take out your dancing shoes just because you grew your Twitter followers by X%.
Different Strokes
From the report:
"Consumers and marketers differ fundamentally in how they
define the state of engagement with a brand; what companies consider
engaging is not considered anywhere near so by consumers. But this also
cuts both ways: some activities that consumers consider highly engaging
are seen as less important by marketers. This may be costing companies
great opportunities to engage consumers."
first two results alone from the chart above say it all and if not all,
they say a lot. Consumers are creatures of habit, they are human beings
which means they want something in return for their engaging with your
From the aforementioned The Major Disconnect Between Brands and Consumers When It Comes to Social Media:
This Is Not Just About Social Media Engagement
The need to engage with consumers extends well beyond the scope of social media.
People want the personal touch, they want to know brands understand
them and offer the ability to create a brand experience that matches
their individual tastes.
Yet that is apparently not happening as you will see another example of the major disconnect between consumers and brands.
From the report:
of marketing executives say that they have personally reached out
to customers, but just 9% of consumers say that they feel engaged or
invested in a brand because of such gestures. The personal connection
has been a cornerstone of marketing strategy."
since I am such a huge fan of infusing humor into, well just about
everything in my life but especially advertising and marketing, I had to
share this one final finding from the report which speaks directly to
the power of humor to connect and engage.
Sources: Forbes Insights, MarketingCharts.com, Google Images
Marcus Kaiser is a visual marketing veteran serving Promise Productions in Dallas. He is taking his gifts in Marketing Communications, Social Media Marketing, Video marketing to put corporate clients in their best light. He works as a CMO to business owners wanting business development, marketing, video production, mobile marketing, search engine visibility and website design. Call 877-858-0071. Enjoy the full show at www.PromiseProductionsUSA.com
Dec 4, 2012
Nov 18, 2012
The First Step To Success - Declare Your Business A Failure
What do I mean by this? In today's society, "failure" is looked down on. We take it way too personally. Almost nothing is as taboo as "failure" because success is king. Everyone wants to "make it" and prosper. But at this time, we all know we are in a season where prosperity -- although still very possible -- is scarer than ever.
As a premier marketing communications agency in Dallas, Promise Productions offers customized ways to direct your business into that prosperity. (i.e. business development strategies, marketing initiatives, creative ways to show prospects your true value to them, etc.) We love to make our clients wildly successful, but one of the main things we see that prevents companies from achieving greater success is their unwillingness to identfy and admit where breakdowns are undermining they success they could be enjoying.
Let's go over the top 5 ways that many businesses (of every size and in every market) are "failing" today. Because with knowing where you are missing the mark, can come a willingness to truly make the corrections that lead to success.
In our business development services and marketing strategy services, we deal with CEO's and business owners to help them realize their goals for their company. So I am going to be speaking Owner-to-Owner as you take a look at your own company.
This post will cover the first of the 5 deadly flaws. In a nutshell the 5 failure/breakthroughs are:
1. Only reacting to the outward symptoms of failure and not clearly identifying the exact breakdowns responsible for causing it. Without a powerful and clear declaration of failure that gets to the heart of the matter, no meaningful strategy for success can arise.
2. Failing to adapt to the needs and driving motivations of your market today. This is huge. So many companies have some lofty ideas that have nothing to do with today's realities. As a result, their idealized intentions of success only end in frustration. Face it, the lock has changed and the same old key will no longer open it. Stubbornness, regardless of how well-intentioned or how nasty, leads quickly to extinction.
And the stubbornness to cling to outmoded ways of attracting clients and doing business with them creates a mismatch. Customers at all levels will do business with those that proactively communicate that they understand your needs and will do whatever it takes to meet their client's needs.
3. Failing to give more and more. Trying to survive simply by cutting costs is a superficial reaction and doomed to fail. I understand that we all need to "do more with less", but you're not going to get without giving. Business relationships are a 2-way street -- whether you are buying a house or a can-opener, there is some level of trust required for even the simplest of business transactions. People respond to reciprocity. If you lure prospects with shallow or fake value, they will soon abandon you to those that offer more compelling value.
4. Failing to love. You heard me: business success has everything to do with love. Polishing the packaging without an actual shiny interior will push profits away. You have to admit and identify where corporate apathy and selfishness are making people not care to do business with you.
This includes, but is far more than, being "passionate" about your company's products and services. If you are new to "business love", don't worry, we can show you how.
So let's begin:
Deadly Flaw #1: failing to declare "failure" for what it is.
Here's the "bad news / good news":We're going to reveal that your business is almost certainly failing in several vital areas. And in that, there is the relief that, although your business could be called a "failure" today, it does not have to keep failing and can make the necessary changes to gain even more market share to get on the dynamic path of prosperity tomorrow.
Failure does not have to be permanent -- it does not have to be stamped like a tombstone of your company! So look at "declaring failure" as the necessary step to engaging in the breakthroughs that will make the difference you have wanted all along.
Let's get one thing clear -- first you must admit that it takes more than pat answers. It takes more than a "band-aid" on top of the "same old thing." It takes more than new wrapping paper covering up the same strategic flaws. Trust us, the change you are really wanting is (a) top down, and (b) comes from the inside out, not the outside in.
What we "want" to do will only perpetuate frustration, failure and corporate death, but what we "need" to do will result in achievement, distinction and business fulfillment. First, let's identity the mistaken approach of "doing what we want."
By this I mean, it is tempting to indulge in wishful thinking and believe that applying little minor and painless new policies will quickly and magically make everything better.
I understand the attraction to wishful thinking in your business. This is simply human nature. But the situation here is that many companies have rampant "cancer" within them that requires a much deeper actions -- new ways to think of attracting and serving your customer and new ways of looking at your value within your industry - not just a new policy on top of outmoded and failing core practices.
What we all NEED to do to succeed: First we need to be honest. The most successful companies (throughout history and in every marketplace) always did 2 crucial things:
• they saw things as they were
• they saw how things could be better than they were
Without honesty, we also avoid success. Without admitting the breakdowns -- and by that I mean really pinpointing the core breakdown, we will never get to the turning points to be able to turn them in the right direction!
Here's the Catch
You cannot do this on your own. Reality shows us again and again that, left to your own great intentions, you will end up keep on doing the same thing and falling into the same limiting business ruts. Your business ego will resist getting right down to the REAL breakdown underlying all the symptoms you don't like. You need a "business therapist" (I just made that up and it makes me laugh). But seriously, you need the objective and strategic consulting that only a proven business development and marketing expert can deliver.
The very inertia of your surrounding corporate "culture" will actually prevent the very change you need to live. I know we all want to tell ourselves that we are the "exception", but ptobably we are not the exception to the rule. (after all, 95% of people identify themselves as "better than" the average driver) But at the very same time we all see the old ways overtake new great intentions (just look at why 95% of people fail to realize their New Year's Resolutions or fail to keep the weight off, etc. etc.)
You want death and frustration? Then go right ahead and indulge in wishful thinking. If that is you, then, here, have another "business Twinkie" while indulging in dreams of "corporate fitness." In the very same way, left to your own devices, you will rationalize those business Twinkies, with their promise of immediate gratification, that end up driving you to extinction.
You won't get on the road to fulfilling results because you lack the objectivity and freedom from ego and familiar rationalizations that is required to make the core shifts that make it finally all come together for you!
When you are ready to stop paying lip service to success and really enjoy a new level of freedom and business fulfillment, we are just a phone call away at 877-858-0071. Talk to a Promise Productions business profits specialist about making your business be all it can be.
© 2012 Marcus Kaiser of Promise Productions
As a premier marketing communications agency in Dallas, Promise Productions offers customized ways to direct your business into that prosperity. (i.e. business development strategies, marketing initiatives, creative ways to show prospects your true value to them, etc.) We love to make our clients wildly successful, but one of the main things we see that prevents companies from achieving greater success is their unwillingness to identfy and admit where breakdowns are undermining they success they could be enjoying.
Let's go over the top 5 ways that many businesses (of every size and in every market) are "failing" today. Because with knowing where you are missing the mark, can come a willingness to truly make the corrections that lead to success.
In our business development services and marketing strategy services, we deal with CEO's and business owners to help them realize their goals for their company. So I am going to be speaking Owner-to-Owner as you take a look at your own company.
This post will cover the first of the 5 deadly flaws. In a nutshell the 5 failure/breakthroughs are:
1. Only reacting to the outward symptoms of failure and not clearly identifying the exact breakdowns responsible for causing it. Without a powerful and clear declaration of failure that gets to the heart of the matter, no meaningful strategy for success can arise.
2. Failing to adapt to the needs and driving motivations of your market today. This is huge. So many companies have some lofty ideas that have nothing to do with today's realities. As a result, their idealized intentions of success only end in frustration. Face it, the lock has changed and the same old key will no longer open it. Stubbornness, regardless of how well-intentioned or how nasty, leads quickly to extinction.
And the stubbornness to cling to outmoded ways of attracting clients and doing business with them creates a mismatch. Customers at all levels will do business with those that proactively communicate that they understand your needs and will do whatever it takes to meet their client's needs.
3. Failing to give more and more. Trying to survive simply by cutting costs is a superficial reaction and doomed to fail. I understand that we all need to "do more with less", but you're not going to get without giving. Business relationships are a 2-way street -- whether you are buying a house or a can-opener, there is some level of trust required for even the simplest of business transactions. People respond to reciprocity. If you lure prospects with shallow or fake value, they will soon abandon you to those that offer more compelling value.
4. Failing to love. You heard me: business success has everything to do with love. Polishing the packaging without an actual shiny interior will push profits away. You have to admit and identify where corporate apathy and selfishness are making people not care to do business with you.
This includes, but is far more than, being "passionate" about your company's products and services. If you are new to "business love", don't worry, we can show you how.
So let's begin:
Deadly Flaw #1: failing to declare "failure" for what it is.
Here's the "bad news / good news":We're going to reveal that your business is almost certainly failing in several vital areas. And in that, there is the relief that, although your business could be called a "failure" today, it does not have to keep failing and can make the necessary changes to gain even more market share to get on the dynamic path of prosperity tomorrow.
Failure does not have to be permanent -- it does not have to be stamped like a tombstone of your company! So look at "declaring failure" as the necessary step to engaging in the breakthroughs that will make the difference you have wanted all along.
Let's get one thing clear -- first you must admit that it takes more than pat answers. It takes more than a "band-aid" on top of the "same old thing." It takes more than new wrapping paper covering up the same strategic flaws. Trust us, the change you are really wanting is (a) top down, and (b) comes from the inside out, not the outside in.
What we "want" to do will only perpetuate frustration, failure and corporate death, but what we "need" to do will result in achievement, distinction and business fulfillment. First, let's identity the mistaken approach of "doing what we want."
By this I mean, it is tempting to indulge in wishful thinking and believe that applying little minor and painless new policies will quickly and magically make everything better.
I understand the attraction to wishful thinking in your business. This is simply human nature. But the situation here is that many companies have rampant "cancer" within them that requires a much deeper actions -- new ways to think of attracting and serving your customer and new ways of looking at your value within your industry - not just a new policy on top of outmoded and failing core practices.
What we all NEED to do to succeed: First we need to be honest. The most successful companies (throughout history and in every marketplace) always did 2 crucial things:
• they saw things as they were
• they saw how things could be better than they were
Without honesty, we also avoid success. Without admitting the breakdowns -- and by that I mean really pinpointing the core breakdown, we will never get to the turning points to be able to turn them in the right direction!
Here's the Catch
You cannot do this on your own. Reality shows us again and again that, left to your own great intentions, you will end up keep on doing the same thing and falling into the same limiting business ruts. Your business ego will resist getting right down to the REAL breakdown underlying all the symptoms you don't like. You need a "business therapist" (I just made that up and it makes me laugh). But seriously, you need the objective and strategic consulting that only a proven business development and marketing expert can deliver.
The very inertia of your surrounding corporate "culture" will actually prevent the very change you need to live. I know we all want to tell ourselves that we are the "exception", but ptobably we are not the exception to the rule. (after all, 95% of people identify themselves as "better than" the average driver) But at the very same time we all see the old ways overtake new great intentions (just look at why 95% of people fail to realize their New Year's Resolutions or fail to keep the weight off, etc. etc.)
You want death and frustration? Then go right ahead and indulge in wishful thinking. If that is you, then, here, have another "business Twinkie" while indulging in dreams of "corporate fitness." In the very same way, left to your own devices, you will rationalize those business Twinkies, with their promise of immediate gratification, that end up driving you to extinction.
You won't get on the road to fulfilling results because you lack the objectivity and freedom from ego and familiar rationalizations that is required to make the core shifts that make it finally all come together for you!
When you are ready to stop paying lip service to success and really enjoy a new level of freedom and business fulfillment, we are just a phone call away at 877-858-0071. Talk to a Promise Productions business profits specialist about making your business be all it can be.
© 2012 Marcus Kaiser of Promise Productions
Sep 12, 2012
Dallas Video Production
Dallas Video Production
When you need a top Dallas video production company to provide creative and high quality videos for your business, don't hesitate to call Promise Productions. You'll be thrilled with the end product.
If you’re searching for a talented, dedicated videography team in Dallas, look no further than Promise Productions. As a skilled videographer who enjoys working with a wide array of clients, Promise Productions is equipped and excited to take on your project, no matter the subject or scope. From weddings to birthday parties to everything in between, Promise Productions will capture your memories on video and allow you to relive them time and time again.
Dallas Video Production for Corporate and Events -- Call 877-858-0071 |
Skilled Videographer in Dallas
Promise Productions is a marketing-savvy Dallas Video Production firm, serving all your needs for documenting the small events that have a big impact. With Promise Productions, you get a seasoned film professional who can artfully and beautifully record your lower-budget commercial, wedding ceremonies, family gatherings, parties, and more. You want to have a good time, without worrying about how well the magnificent fest is being recorded. Promise Productions is offering you the chance to sit back, to party, to socialize, while a videographer takes care of putting it all on tape, and in a format that will entertain you for years to come as you play it all back on screen. After the social function has ended, you will be ultra delighted to receive the videographer’s final tape of the event. Let Promise Productionsrecord life’s greatest events, immortalizing them.
Professionalism and Experience
As a well-established videographer in Dallas, Promise Productions strives to offer exceptional service on every job. Working with Promise Productions means collaborating with a gifted professional who takes pride in producing outstanding results. And thanks to Promise Productions’s arsenal of modern tools and equipment, you can rest assured knowing that you’re going to end up with a quality product.
With a warm, approachable demeanor and reasonable rates, Promise Productions is the videographer to trust for your upcoming Dallas event. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call Promise Productions today at 877-858-0071.
With a warm, approachable demeanor and reasonable rates, Promise Productions is the videographer to trust for your upcoming Dallas event. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call Promise Productions today at 877-858-0071.
Sep 2, 2012
SEO has totally changed? Is your marketing following suit?
"SEO Isn't What You Think It Is." This is the absolute best article on the changing landscape of SEO to articulate and sum up the significant changes we have seen in 2012 period. I did not write it, but it echoes precisely what I've been preaching to my clients since the Summer of 2012.
Let me make some crucial points and then on to this gem of an article. If you are doing business as usual, you are opting for extinction. The rules have changed! A lot!
So if your marketing or SEO company has not come to you and said "we need to step back and re-strategize your entire approach to online visibility" they are flat out pimping you for money on old models and paradigms of SEO that NO LONGER WORK. What worked in the first quarter of 2012, no longer works at all in the 3rd quarter of 2012. That is because many things that Google previously rewarded, they now punish. So if your strategy is not FRESH, it is not merely stale, it is painfully DEAD.
99% of SEO companies are baloney - they take a small pinch of actual knowledge and hold it over their client's heads - fluffing up its value so they can charge fat monthly retainers. This is in contrast to the work it takes to develop a comprehensive strategy based on the actual landscape of SEO in the present with a smart plan for the future. 1% of SEO companies actually know what they are doing. I should know, as a Dallas SEO service provider, I have been in this industry since the very beginning. In well over a decade of local search marketing interaction, I've seen many companies and services come and go and only found 5 other companies (besides my own http://PromiseProductionsUSA.com) that actually GET IT. That's right, I can say in all honesty that in Dallas' city of 3 million people, there are only 6 legitimate firms amongst 20,000,000 PRETENDERS with little value and lots of hype to snag your marketing dollar and waste it.
I am writing this because I am personally passionate that clients get TRUE VALUE and it upsets me to see so much abuse by other firms to something that could be one of the very most valuable tools to a business wanting more market share and more revenue.
Why don't other SEO companies stay current and actually "move the needle" for their clients? Because that takes real work, time and effort to stay on top of the very dynamic world of Search Engine Optimization. It takes visionary strategy. It takes actual innovation and creativity. And these things are not commodities. Yes your website needs well-done SEO, but don't fool yourself to think that this alone will give you meaningful results in today's marketplace. On-page SEO is a necessity. On-page SEO is an assumed foundation if you are serious about your business, but it is no longer enough to rank well in Google. Today's successful companies must go beyond on-page SEO to off-page SEO and social interaction. If you don't have a brand visibility strategy you are being lost in the shuffle and throwing away your influence and losing valuable prospects left and right. Don't let that happen; use a savvy marketing communications firm that is well-versed in the new rules of search engine visibility since Google's Panda and Penguin updates to gain, and keep, your website in the top search engine results for your most valuable terms. Here is another "take away" from the new rules of SEO. Your web designer or website developer can no longer do your SEO. That is because SEO has evolved to incorporate elements that only those with current skills in integrated marketing, social media marketing, marketing communications and digital interactive agencies possess. Your website designer can intelligently make your website itself the best it can be, but that is just the start to the real process of online visibility. Only those who know web development but ALSO know social media, video SEO and online marketing are actually qualified to pull together the increasingly diverse sets of resources and strategies that are required to get real results in the search marketing landscape of today and tomorrow. Understand that SEO, done right, is a TREMENDOUS VALUE to your company's short-term and long-term profits. SEO done wrong (or according to outdated approaches) is not only a terrible waste of precious resources, it now makes your company PENALIZED. That's right; you just heard me admit that what Google encouraged you to do a few months ago in your SEO and linkbuilding and keyword approaches, now will actually work against you - burying your company in the depths where no customers will find you and have the chance to do business with you. Google did not merely "update" the rules; they massively changed them - to the point of actually contradicting many of the previous commonly embraced SEO best practices. If your marketing or SEO company did not proactively come to you and tell you this, then fire them. They are probably not just ignorant or out or touch, they are probably panicking and literally hiding the fact that they just become irrelevant because they don't have the skill sets or marketing savvy to actually do you any good anymore! If your SEO firm did not come clean and tell you "the very things we've been charging you to do last month are now the things hurting your website visibility today, and becuase we care about your business' success more than we care about milking you for your monthly charges, we have a completely difference strategy to deal with this and win back your search engine placement" then they are quietly deceiving you - having become dangerous liability to your success instead of an asset.
I am not saying they are necessarily wrong to do the SEO they did in the past. But I am emphatically stating that they are deceptive to keep on doing it today when they should be the first to know how the old rules hurt your results today.
Unless you are an expert whose invested significant time on a regular basis to understand the nuances between what ACTUALLY WORKS and what no longer works, then your business is practically pissing in the wind. I personally vouch that the info in this article below is the real deal, so I honor her for saying it like it is. There are no short cuts to success. Deal with it. But there are clues that success leaves behind that you can follow. Enjoy results with the significantly different "new best practices" when it comes to giving your products and services the visibility they need to succeed in a digital (and social) world. So, speaking business owner to business owner, I personally invite your company to do itself a favor and learn the info below. It can make ALL the difference when it comes to your SEO, and if you want a diligent SEO company in Dallas, simply call Promise Productions at 877-858-0071. To your success, Marcus K
Marketers are buzzing from the aftershocks of Google's recent most updates, code-named Panda and Penguin.
Panda, which launched around February of 2011, started using artificial intelligence in new ways to enforce the best practices guidelines Google had long provided to those seeking to optimize their websites.
If Panda was a wrist slap, Penguin, launched in last April 2012, was a body slam to websites still trying to "trick" the search engines into ranking them ahead of their competition. The update emphasized the importance of quality content, originality, and overall user experience.
Both the Panda and Penguin updates contained very clear messages for marketers: stop focusing on technology and tricks and start focusing on people. If your website appeals to people, it will appeal to Google's algorithms too.
But the Panda and Penguin messages go deeper. With them, the search engines are openly acknowledging that a website isn't the only place on the Web that a brand needs to maintain a strong presence. The interactive exchanges that people have with each other and with the brand--online--are happening in the social media channel, and the search engines are placing an increasing importance on how these conversations influence their views on brands and how their websites should rank.
This means that a brand can no longer rely on a well-optimized website to earn Google's attention. A brand must be a conversationalist, going where the people are and engaging them in discussion, and by doing that earn a wonderful reputation.
Smart brands are doing this by fully leveraging each social channels particular properties.
Facilitate conversations with fans on your Facebook page.
Simply announcing what your company is up to isn't going to get fans engaging with your brand. Post information that is relevant to your brand and of interest to your stakeholders. Invite questions, suggest other reading, provide links, curate other content. The point is to have dynamic conversations between your brand and your fans.
Parmesan is a delicious example.
Share tweets about topics of interest (again--not self-serving announcements but follower-serving news) via Twitter.
The search engines are all looking at Twitter activity, at the keyword and brand-name level, as signals for which brands deserve top rankings. No one is going to be interested in miles and miles of one-way tweets about how great your brand is. Know your stakeholders: provide information that will be of use to them and they will not only follow you, they'll retweet what you share.
Whole Foods gets it.
Uploading shareable videos to your YouTube channel optimizes your brand as well as your website.
How? When the content is engaging, people what to share it. When they share it, they often add a link to your website. Encourage more sharing and engagement with people who leave comments by responding to their comments. Remember, Google owns YouTube. Enough said.
Home Depot has a quality YouTube channel.
Pin and Repin interesting visuals on Pinterest.
Pinterest may not be right for every brand, but if you market to consumers and have a brand with visual attributes or messaging that can be supported by photos, images, and infographics, Pinterest is another option to leverage for brand optimization.
Real Simple and West Elm pin well.
Participate in groups, answer questions, and post company updates on LinkedIn.
This is less about SEO and more about putting your brand where the buyers are. Whether you are a B2B or B2C marketer, having a strong LinkedIn profile for your company, complete with referrals from customers and strategic partners, is a strong component in the brand optimization mix. While LinkedIn groups tend to be "closed" and therefore not accessible to the search engines, some are public, and therefore search engine crawlable and the conversations in those groups where your brand is referenced with links to your website can help with SEO and brand optimization too. And don't forget, Company Pages are public and now feature status updates.
Voices.com is a resource on LinkedIn.
Share information on Google+.
There is widespread belief that as Google+ gains in popularity, the conversations there will help with brand and search engine optimization. People have been somewhat slow to add yet another social media profile to their online presence, and brands have been slow to adopt Google+ too, but some brands are making smart use of Google+ now.
See what the New York Times is doing with it.
All of this social media activity works to create engagement around the brand by what has always mattered to the search engines most: people.
So rather than asking yourself, "How do I optimize my website to better rank with search engines?" ask, "How can I optimize my brand so that it's a sought-after participant in relevant conversations?" Answering that will bring you top rankings on the search engines and much, much more.
Veronica Fielding is the CEO of "Digital Brand Expressions", a trailblazing digital marketing agency that specializes in building audiences and connecting buyers and brands through context marketing solutions.
Updates to Google's algorithms mean that social engagement, rather than search engine trickery, yields top results.
By Veronica Fielding
Panda, which launched around February of 2011, started using artificial intelligence in new ways to enforce the best practices guidelines Google had long provided to those seeking to optimize their websites.
If Panda was a wrist slap, Penguin, launched in last April 2012, was a body slam to websites still trying to "trick" the search engines into ranking them ahead of their competition. The update emphasized the importance of quality content, originality, and overall user experience.
Both the Panda and Penguin updates contained very clear messages for marketers: stop focusing on technology and tricks and start focusing on people. If your website appeals to people, it will appeal to Google's algorithms too.
But the Panda and Penguin messages go deeper. With them, the search engines are openly acknowledging that a website isn't the only place on the Web that a brand needs to maintain a strong presence. The interactive exchanges that people have with each other and with the brand--online--are happening in the social media channel, and the search engines are placing an increasing importance on how these conversations influence their views on brands and how their websites should rank.
This means that a brand can no longer rely on a well-optimized website to earn Google's attention. A brand must be a conversationalist, going where the people are and engaging them in discussion, and by doing that earn a wonderful reputation.
Smart brands are doing this by fully leveraging each social channels particular properties.
Facilitate conversations with fans on your Facebook page.
Simply announcing what your company is up to isn't going to get fans engaging with your brand. Post information that is relevant to your brand and of interest to your stakeholders. Invite questions, suggest other reading, provide links, curate other content. The point is to have dynamic conversations between your brand and your fans.
Parmesan is a delicious example.
Share tweets about topics of interest (again--not self-serving announcements but follower-serving news) via Twitter.
The search engines are all looking at Twitter activity, at the keyword and brand-name level, as signals for which brands deserve top rankings. No one is going to be interested in miles and miles of one-way tweets about how great your brand is. Know your stakeholders: provide information that will be of use to them and they will not only follow you, they'll retweet what you share.
Whole Foods gets it.
Uploading shareable videos to your YouTube channel optimizes your brand as well as your website.
How? When the content is engaging, people what to share it. When they share it, they often add a link to your website. Encourage more sharing and engagement with people who leave comments by responding to their comments. Remember, Google owns YouTube. Enough said.
Home Depot has a quality YouTube channel.
Pin and Repin interesting visuals on Pinterest.
Pinterest may not be right for every brand, but if you market to consumers and have a brand with visual attributes or messaging that can be supported by photos, images, and infographics, Pinterest is another option to leverage for brand optimization.
Real Simple and West Elm pin well.
Participate in groups, answer questions, and post company updates on LinkedIn.
This is less about SEO and more about putting your brand where the buyers are. Whether you are a B2B or B2C marketer, having a strong LinkedIn profile for your company, complete with referrals from customers and strategic partners, is a strong component in the brand optimization mix. While LinkedIn groups tend to be "closed" and therefore not accessible to the search engines, some are public, and therefore search engine crawlable and the conversations in those groups where your brand is referenced with links to your website can help with SEO and brand optimization too. And don't forget, Company Pages are public and now feature status updates.
Voices.com is a resource on LinkedIn.
Share information on Google+.
There is widespread belief that as Google+ gains in popularity, the conversations there will help with brand and search engine optimization. People have been somewhat slow to add yet another social media profile to their online presence, and brands have been slow to adopt Google+ too, but some brands are making smart use of Google+ now.
See what the New York Times is doing with it.
All of this social media activity works to create engagement around the brand by what has always mattered to the search engines most: people.
So rather than asking yourself, "How do I optimize my website to better rank with search engines?" ask, "How can I optimize my brand so that it's a sought-after participant in relevant conversations?" Answering that will bring you top rankings on the search engines and much, much more.
Veronica Fielding is the CEO of "Digital Brand Expressions", a trailblazing digital marketing agency that specializes in building audiences and connecting buyers and brands through context marketing solutions.
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