What do I mean by this? In today's society, "failure" is looked down on. We take it way too personally. Almost nothing is as taboo as "failure" because success is king. Everyone wants to "make it" and prosper. But at this time, we all know we are in a season where prosperity -- although still very possible -- is scarer than ever.
As a premier
marketing communications agency in Dallas,
Promise Productions offers customized ways to direct your business into that prosperity. (i.e. business development strategies, marketing initiatives, creative ways to show prospects your true value to them, etc.) We love to make our clients wildly successful, but one of the main things we see that prevents companies from achieving greater success is their unwillingness to identfy and admit where breakdowns are undermining they success they could be enjoying.
Let's go over the
top 5 ways that many businesses (of every
size and in every market) are "failing" today. Because with knowing
where you are missing the mark, can come a willingness to truly make the
corrections that lead to success.
In our business development services and marketing strategy services, we deal with CEO's and business owners to help them realize their goals for their company. So I am going to be speaking Owner-to-Owner as you take a look at your own company.
This post will cover the first of the 5 deadly flaws. In a nutshell the 5 failure/breakthroughs are:
1. Only reacting to the outward symptoms of failure and not clearly identifying the exact breakdowns responsible for causing it. Without a powerful and clear declaration of failure that gets to the heart of the matter, no meaningful strategy for success can arise.
2. Failing to adapt to the needs and driving motivations of your market today. This is huge. So many companies have some lofty ideas that have nothing to do with today's realities. As a result, their idealized intentions of success only end in frustration. Face it, the lock has changed and the same old key will no longer open it. Stubbornness, regardless of how well-intentioned or how nasty, leads quickly to extinction.
And the stubbornness to cling to outmoded ways of attracting clients and doing business with them creates a mismatch. Customers at all levels will do business with those that proactively communicate that they understand your needs and will do whatever it takes to meet their client's needs.
3. Failing to give more and more. Trying to survive simply by cutting costs is a superficial reaction and doomed to fail.
I understand that we all need to "do more with less", but you're not going to get without giving. Business relationships are a 2-way street -- whether you are buying a house or a can-opener, there is some level of trust required for even the simplest of business transactions. People respond to reciprocity. If you lure
prospects with shallow or fake value, they will soon abandon you to
those that offer more compelling value.
4. Failing to love. You heard me: business success has everything to do with love. Polishing the packaging without an actual shiny interior will push profits away. You have to admit and identify where corporate apathy and selfishness are making people not care to do business with you.
This includes, but is far more than, being "passionate" about your company's products and services. If you are new to "business love", don't worry, we can show you how.
So let's begin:
Deadly Flaw #1: failing to declare "failure" for what it is.
Here's the "bad news / good news":We're going to reveal that your business is almost certainly failing in several
vital areas. And in that, there is the relief that, although your
business could be called a "failure" today, it does not have to keep
failing and can make the necessary changes to gain even more market
share to get on the dynamic path of prosperity tomorrow.
Failure does not have to be permanent -- it does not have to be stamped like a tombstone of your company! So look at
"declaring failure" as the necessary step to engaging in the
breakthroughs that will make the difference you have wanted all along.
Let's get one thing clear -- first you must admit that it takes more than pat answers. It takes more than a "band-aid" on top of the "same old thing." It takes more than new wrapping paper covering up the same strategic flaws. Trust us, the change you are really wanting is (a) top down, and (b) comes from the inside out, not the outside in.
What we "want" to do will only perpetuate frustration, failure and corporate death, but what we "need" to do will result in achievement, distinction and business fulfillment. First, let's identity the mistaken approach of "doing what we want."
By this I mean, it is tempting to indulge in wishful thinking and believe that applying little minor and painless new policies will quickly and magically make everything better.
I understand the attraction to wishful thinking in your business. This is simply human nature. But the situation here is that many companies have rampant "cancer" within them that requires a much deeper actions -- new ways to think of attracting and serving your customer and new ways of looking at your value within your industry - not just a new policy on top of outmoded and failing core practices.
What we all NEED to do to succeed: First we need to be honest. The most successful companies (throughout history and in every marketplace) always did 2 crucial things:
• they saw things as they were
• they saw how things could be better than they were
Without honesty, we also avoid success. Without admitting the breakdowns -- and by that I mean really pinpointing the core breakdown, we will never get to the turning points to be able to turn them in the right direction!
Here's the Catch
You cannot do this on your own. Reality shows us again and again that, left to your own great intentions, you will end up keep on doing the same thing and falling into the same limiting business ruts. Your business ego will resist getting right down to the REAL breakdown underlying all the symptoms you don't like. You need a "business therapist" (I just made that up and it makes me laugh). But seriously, you need the objective and strategic consulting that only a proven business development and marketing expert can deliver.
The very inertia of your surrounding corporate "culture" will actually prevent the very change you need to live. I know we all want to tell ourselves that we are the "exception", but ptobably we are not the exception to the rule. (after all, 95% of people identify themselves as "better than" the average driver) But at the very same time we all see the old ways overtake new great intentions (just look at why 95% of people fail to realize their New Year's Resolutions or fail to keep the weight off, etc. etc.)
You want death and frustration? Then go right ahead and indulge in wishful thinking. If that is you, then, here, have another "business Twinkie" while indulging in dreams of "corporate fitness." In the very same way, left to your own devices, you will rationalize those business Twinkies, with their promise of immediate gratification, that end up driving you to extinction.
You won't get on the road to fulfilling results because you lack the objectivity and freedom from ego and familiar rationalizations that is required to make the core shifts that make it finally all come together for you!
When you are ready to stop paying lip service to success and really enjoy a new level of freedom and business fulfillment, we are just a phone call away at
877-858-0071. Talk to a Promise Productions business profits specialist about making your business be all it can be.
© 2012 Marcus Kaiser of Promise Productions