Jul 31, 2010

Video - Your Most Effective Marketing Communications Tool

Everybody who has been looking at marketing best practices already knows and is a believer in Web video marketing. The question is HOW to use it most effectively.

And if your competitor shave not yet opened your eyes to video marketing, all the better for you! As competitors they stick to yesterday's marketing tactics, you can capture market share by communicating via video, using techniques that actually lead to more audience engagement, more memory retention, and more sales leads.

On top of all the present benefits that Web Video brings your cashflow, think of the commitment Google has invested in YouTube and then you'll know where the biggest search opportunities exist. So let's all agree, video is where it's at, but hold on just a second, let's call it compelling content presentation.

Its true, a properly conceived, professionally produced, attention-to-post video that delivers a meaningful memorable message in a manner that is less advertising and more content, less pitch and more experience.

 That generates sales, loyalty and results you want!

Can you Video Market by yourself? 
Doubtful, but maybe. So before you run out and blow thousands and thousands of your dollars on the latest HD video camera, proper lighting equipment, editing and motion graphic software, how to DVDs like 'You Can Be The Next Ridley Scott', a computer and hard drive powerful enough to handle HD file sizes and software processing, custom photography, signature music and sound effects; and before you ask your accounts payable person or spouse to shoot you in your office with a backdrop of photos featuring last year's office picnic and the broken office chair you've been meaning to replace; ask yourself, is this really how to go about marketing my company?

I mean maybe your appearance is camera friendly, maybe you have the right voice that fits your message, maybe you understand body language, maybe you have acting experience, maybe you know how to write a script and maybe... well you get the idea? And we haven't even talked about the most important elements -- content and concept. There is a place for amateurism, it's just not in business. Unprofessional video will only hurt your image and rob your marketshare.

The Ad Content Challenge

The real challenge in website design is not backend technical issues, search engine optimization, or feature proliferation but rather how to turn advertising into content, and content into an experience. The same thing applies to the experience in a video production.

We know no one likes to "be sold", especially if it's a hard-sell pitch demanding instant decisions and immediate action. People are more likely to run from such a sales attack as quickly as possible, particularly on the Web where escaping is just a mouse clĂ­ck away.

Let's assume for a moment that you want a professional Web presentation and not a homemade ego-satisfying but customer-repellent video. Let's also assume that you've hired a team that has the necessary skills to deliver the 'right stuff.' The next step is to provide that team with the assets they need to do the job.

Gather Your Video Marketing Assets

The first thing you'll need to do is get all your resources together. Here's a checklist of things you'll need to supply or have created in order to get started:

1. Logos That Work: 

A properly designed logo is a must. Is your logo video friendly? I can't tell you how many times we've had to design or at least redesign logos for clients who have been in business for years. A video campaign is all about communicating a corporate personality and that identity needs a visual tag to affirm that brand image.

Most business people realize they need a logo but they generally only think of it in one dimension, graphically. With a properly designed logo in hand, an audio logo tag can be associated with it so that your brand message is penetrating both visually and audibly.

Remember your goal is to turn advertising into content and to do that you must create a memorable experience, and the whole point of using video is to communicate your message using sight, sound, and subliminal psychological persuasion. By that I mean the visuals and presentation that are beyond what they printed word can accomplish.

2. Mission Statements - It's About The Why
Mission statements are generally useless exercises in self-congratulatory bunkum. If your mission statement says your company aims to have the best products, at the lowest prices, featuring world-class customer service, then you know your mission statement is useless.

When people hear those kinds of platitudes they yawn and move on. When was the last time you heard a mission statement that promises inferior crap, at inflated prices, with little or no customer service support?

Instead of a meaningless mission statement, create a 'Why Statement' that answers the question, why should anybody want to do business with you? I've already given you our version - "we turn advertising into content, and content into an experience" it's what we do, what we are committed to, and if it's not what you want, then you need another production team.

You have to give your clients a reason why they should care about your company, why they should do business with you. Providing a compelling "WHY" is a commitment not to be feared, but embraced. It is the message you want to deliver, the one thing your audience will remember about you that will distinguish you from your competition, and ultimately it will be the reason they do business with you or not.

3. FIVE Things You Need To Know

The Why Statement provides your brand point-of-view and personality. It focuses audience attention on the key benefits you deliver. So the next thing you need to provide is the six most important things you want to say about what you do.

Why five? You need to show some discipline in your messaging in order to be effective. Focusing and Limiting the number of things you say emphasizes what's important so that it doesn't get lost in a haze of marketing jibber-jabber, and it avoids creating information overload.

Promise Productions Video Production and Web Video Marketing
For marketing-savvy video production that presents your why in the best light, distributes your value proposition to the right places and increases your profits, call Promise Productions at 972-822-3587.

Jul 26, 2010

Video Marketing for more Clients & Profits

Social Media is all the rage, and for good reasons, chances are, your prospects are there -- on twitter, facebook, blogs, etc.. They are reading about your industry and your brand. That is where video comes in: video is the perfect way to reach these prospects. 

Video Marketing is about using the power of video to communicate beyond that of just words and pictures. Video can SHOW. Video persuades. Video demonstrates. Video makes your features and benefits come alive.

And another thing: video can share something else that is unique: what it is like doing business with you -- whether it is the people, the ambiance or the service. Video's ability to provide a virtual taste of what it is like to be your customers greatly adds to your attractiveness, whether your target market is consumers, other businesses, local or global.

 This is why we are talking about promoting yourself with video: both in your existing media and in your social media.

Choosing the Right Video Marketing & Social Media Campaign Strategy

So, you’ve decided that you want to include video on your website – this is an excellent decision, and we applaud your efforts to keep current. Now that you’ve made this stepping-stone decision, however, where should your video marketing strategy begin?

Launching Your Social Media Campaign With Video In Mind
While posting your videos on video sharing websites (like YouTube, Vimeo, Revver, MetaCafe, etc.) certainly has its advantages in terms of launching a successful social media marketing campaign, it is important to first consider your video goals.
• Is your goal to gain widespread brand recognition,
• Is your goal to up your conversion rate

A Search Marketing Firm That Knows Video
Obviously, if you’re trying to break into the world of video marketing and social media video marketing, you can benefit tremendously from teaming with a marketing communications firm that knows search marketing.

For example, as a marketing-savvy video production firm, we can advise you how to most effectively and appropriately showcase your brand in your video. One excellent idea is to interview “customers” (mind the quotes, as the “customers” can easily be substituted for actors), employees, or company executives in front of some sort of backdrop that features your company’s logo and website info…a la a Hollywood red carpet premiere. This is particularly genius because, if the video is subsequently copied from video sharing sites (this happens often), the branding cannot be removed from the video. Tips like these and more should be standard issue with the search marketing firm you choose to work with.

The key to optimum results is OPTIMUM STRATEGY. Let us guide your marketing strategy and video marketing along with social media marketing for higher profits. Call Promise Productions to learn how at 972-822-3587.