May 29, 2009

Summer 2009 - Best Business Growth Approach

Push or Pull -- how to get the best business Return on Your Investment of Time / Effort / Marketing.

Do you pull back and retreat to the "safety" of trying to wait the recession out? Of should your business push ahead, allocate Marketing and Social Media dollars and engage with your business prospects here and now?

Case In Point
When the recession hit in the 1930's, two cereal companies (Kellogs and Post) responded in opposite ways. Kellogs pushed: they decided the time was ripe to dominate the market through massive advertising. Post pulled back: they scaled their advertising down.

Kellogs released and advertise their Rice Krispies new line of products. The result was that even when spending money was at its lowest point in 1933, Kellogs actually made nearly a 30% increase in profits. You see, they took advantage of the timidness of other "pulling" companies and competitors and pushed through to be the most profitable company of its era!

James Surowiecki (New Yorker) underscores the case for "pushing" marketing initiatives forward when he observes, "… the uncertainty of recessions creates and opportunity for serious profits, and the historical record is full of companies that made successful gambles in hard times: Kraft introduced Miracle Whip in 1933 and saw it become America's best-selling dressing in six months; Texas Instruments brought out the transistor radio in the 1954 recession; Apple launched the iPod in 2001."

Do you want to take your company's profits to the next level? You want want to learn how to massively profit from the current recession? Contact our strategic marketing specialists to spend your advertising dollars the most profitable ways possible.

Sow sparingly and you will reap sparingly. But push forward with strategic marketing and you will be the next success story. Call us at 972-822-3587 for details.

May 28, 2009

8 Ways We Boost The Value Of Your Corporate Blog

At Covenant Designs we make your blog mean business. We utilize all the vital skill sets that corporate blogging requires –  marketing communications, professional writing, public relations, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and rich media + video to blog in a strategic way to promote your profits.

1 • Focus on what's important: we keep your blog on track with positive Public Relations pieces, responsiveness to Market Trends and Industry Changes.

2 • Blogging For Search: that means elevating the visibility of your business web site in Google and Yahoo. You cannot attract the right new business unless you are found by your ideal prospects.

3 • Social Networking: we orchestrate your social media marketing campaign so that all elements (including your corporate blog) is integrated. The synergy of a mass of signposts, articles and testimonials delivers the message of a unified voice promoting your products and services.

4 • Content and Volume: Search engines look at your content, so we optimize your social media marketing campaign to amass a growing number of positive key terms, words and phrases. That in turn attracts your most interested business prospects.

5 • Keyword Awareness: In keeping with the above, we blog in a keyword-aware way to make you "king" of the best terms for your marketplace.

6 • Keep It Simple: we deliver clear and concise corporate messaging. You audience will receive, understand and be motivated to trust and respond to your strategic message.

7 • Widespread employee blogging: we provide a focus point for all your employees' blogs. Think integrated social media for optimum impact.

8 • Measurable Results: we can track your reputation online, your visibility in search engines, the number of subscribers, viewers of your videos, etc. This way we can intelligently steer your social media marketing campaign to keep it on track for your best interests.

One additional tactic for effective corporate blogs is the promotion of your blog. We have strategies to automate and syndicate your blog  - spreading it where it makes the most difference. Putting your content in other places allows it to multiply and amplify the value of your content.

Your prospects already rely on Social Media for the real scoop on their products and services. For real results in today's marketplace, contact Promise Productions as your corporate Social Media Marketing source. Call 972-822-3587.

May 27, 2009

Social Media Marketing for Corporations

Fellas, let me say this one more time: ignore social media marketing and you ignore your market.

Corporations of all sizes need to face the fact that their customers have already been using social media (Twitter, Facebook, Strategic Blogging, etc.) for some time where they readily discuss their experiences with companies of all kinds (their dry cleaners, their local fast food, their bank...).

These social media conversations have a rapidly GROWING influence that a corporation is blind to at its own peril. Your company, your brand, your market and your industry is already being talked about through social media -- I guarantee. 

Serious Statistics
A word about the "Growing" statement above. Did you know that Facebook alone grew over 550% in 2009. Did you know that 30% of all human beings on the planet use social media regularly (in all age brackets) and the numbers only continue to grow at ever-faster rates?

If you are not actively involved in that online conversation, or hiring social media marketing experts (like us of course) to extract the benefits for you, then it is like a ship with no one at the wheel. Your reputation is at the mercy of the wind and waves and sometimes they are flat out cruel. Sooner or later you are going to shipwreck. 

I can say with all certainty that the companies that are prosperous come 4th quarter 2009 are the same companies that took hold of the wheel of social media marketing (in a strategic way) and steered their ship towards profits, social media responsiveness, and a positive online reputation. 

Let me switch analogies on you: the other day I watched a video on how science has recently learned that bacteria in our bodies communicate through a complex set of chemicals with each other. They are surprisingly social creatures. 

An average human body has a trillion cells and a bacterium is just one cell. So no matter how pathogenic it is, it will have basically no effect on the body all by itself. 

In fact, science has recently learned that disease-causing bacteria are able to communicate with each other to learn when their numbers in our bodies are of sufficient mass such that when they launch their attack on our immune system (in significant numbers) they will succeed. Amazing little buggers! 

Your company's PR and reputation in the body of social media is a lot like that. One complaint (like one bacterium) is not very dangerous to the health of your business. But complaints have a way being shared and a way of snowballing. If unchecked by positive social media (ask us more about how we do this), the social media complaints can, and have, taken down entire companies.

Example: social media was recently used to show how to simply disable a Kryptonite brand lock with a mere ballpoint pen. This proves that Kryptonite could defeat even Superman, but not the power of social media. Talk about a disaster for the brand -- they had no one steering their social media and now the company, for all its 50 years of work and building a successful reputation, is in the toilet nearly overnight. 

The word on the street: "They're worthless. I don't trust them anymore." (full story) In fact, a video demonstration sits right next to the corporate web site on Google! Your company is equally vulnerable to rogue social media but it does not have to be.

Friends, colleagues and CEO's, don't be the next corporate disaster story. You know blogs get read; you're reading mine! Proactively embrace a strategic business approach to your social media marketing campaign starting with strategic blogging

A little action goes a lot further than massive good intentions. Let Promise Productions Marketing Communications put social media to work FOR your company. Our experts can be reached at 972-822-3587.

May 22, 2009

Dallas Video Production - Full Service & Marketing Savvy

We are Dallas' one-stop shop, providing businesses with professional video production, high definition video production, video editing, and digital multimedia production services.

Whether you want a commercial for your website, a training video, conversion of a video to an Internet-ready format, coverage for your event or conference, a video tour to promote a property, our expert producers will deliver outstanding results while working with your budget.

Dallas Multimedia Experts
Multimedia is a great way to communicate and persuade your target audience because of the rich experience it creates -- integrating video, photos, graphics, voice-over, music and other elements into a coherent, entertaining and motivating presentation. Multimedia Production is a catch-all phrase that encompasses a variety of production and editing services, including.

Digitizing and encoding video or audio
DVD or CD-ROM authoring
PowerPoint or Keynote presentations
Music and voice-overs
Photo or Video montages

For example, when we create a video multimedia montage, we often combine video, photos, music, text, and graphics into a presentation that's usually output to a DVD or CD-ROM. Those discs can be programmed to auto-play, or to include varying levels of interactivity. With our video production expertise, virtually anything is possible!

Computer to Video Transfers
This is a service many corporations need. Do you have multimedia content such as a Windows Media Video or a slideshow presentation that's trapped in a computer format? Are you trying to figure out how to transfer it to a DVD or CD-ROM disc?

We can liberate your multimedia content for you. Using our specialized equipment and software, we make your content more useful, allowing you to shift it (re-purpose it) to other delivery formats such as a DVD, CD-ROM, tape or an internet file.

Results-Based Video Production
In the present economy, video is your most effective marketing, training and promotions tool. That holds true whether your message is delivered at a presentation, conference, in person, or computer screen.

And it is in this economy that we have doubled our video work. It is a testimony to the solid value we offer, resulting in repeat business of satisfied clients and their word-of-mouth referrals. Contact Promise Productions today at 972-822-3587 so that we can be your Dallas video production company.

May 21, 2009

Avoiding The Pitfalls of "Web Design" Firms

Professional vs. Unprofessional is really all in the RESULTS

Is your business thinking of redesigning its website? Polls show that, on average, about 76% of companies are dissatisfied with their website design.

Given that the quality, functionality and find-ability of your website plays a major role in new business acquisition and industry reputation, there are tens of thousands of dollars at stake here.

Unfortunately there are many amateur web site design firms in Dallas all claiming to offer much the same thing. So how you you choose the right web site design firm?

Let's start with what NOT to choose. Here are the three top mistakes companies make when designing or upgrading their website:

1• The GRAPHICS web guy: these types tend to be individuals or boutiques. To them it is all about your "image" and, to them, that means graphics. If it looks cool, then it is a success.

Wrong. There is more to a site than its look and its graphics. Yes, it has to look professional, but these guys often saccrifice a truly professional look for a "cool" look in their taste. The result is a trendy-looking web site that does not really serve the users. It may accomplish the goal of being a fancy online brochure, but these days web sites can be and do so much more than that.

The other no-no is that a site based on graphics or flash is unfriendly to the search engines. That means it actually HINDERS your business form being found. And with competition more intense than ever, what you actually end up with is burying your business.

No only does the "graphics guy" website cost you to build, it costs your business much more than that in lost visibility.

2 • The Web PROGRAMMER: The second pitfall when making a business website is to go with a web programming firm. Why you ask? Well the problems are the opposite extreme of the "graphics guy."

Your site will look sterile... boxy... impersonal. And while the site may function properly from a programming standpoint, it turns off your prospects with an unfriendly user experience.

You see, there is also more to a successful web site than programming. Yes programming is an important part, but programming-minded people should not steer the ship when it comes to developing a professional web site (unless you only deal with other programmers). From a mental and personality standpoint, only 15% of the population likes an "engineering" approach to web sites. That means, while your site may be a functional success, it is ALSO successfully turning away 85% of your prospects. Not good!

When your visiter uses your web site, it should be pleasing, professional and intuitive. It needs a humanizing element to reach your target at where he or she is. Unless your target audience are all Vulcans, the "programmer type" of web site runs off the road to success in the opposite ditch -- costing your company plenty of lost revenue.

3• Outsourcing Your Web Design Overseas. This is a disaster waiting to happen. Web companies from India are the worst. Because Covenant Designs Marketing Communications is provides professional web development, I get about 4 contacts a week from this or that person in India wanting a chunk of my business.

One problem is this: overseas companies don't understand the American mindset, so they cannot communicating or marketing to, Americans. Not only are their linguistic skills lacking, and their time zone completely off, their problem-solving ability crippled, and their customer service lacking, they simply don't get what is needed in today's American web site.

So don't be lured in by cheap prices. 100% of people I encounter who try overseas end up regretting it sooner or later.

Now that you have avoided those pitfalls, just who DO you use to do a web site right? You need the right combination of skill sets

• professional look
• intuitive design
• functional programming

• marketing savvy in terms of information presentation

• information ergonomics so your user can find, use and be MOVED TO ACTION by your website

• and, last but not least, Search Engine Friendliness (also called Search Engine Optimization -- SEO)

I’m not going to lie to you. This is not an easy task. Let me emphasize that last bullet on SEO -- this factor will severely impact the results your site gets after it is running. After all, it is ONLY when your web site is found by your customers and prospective customers that you even have a chance to introduce your products and services. Sadly most web site designers don't have time or inclination to stay up on their SEO expertise.

As a side note: all Promise Productions web sites come with full SEO built in. That fact alone adds well over $1,000 in value to each web site we deliver.

This combination of skill sets, to our thinking, means that you need a Marketing Communications firm. We believe that Marketing should have the uppermost hand in directing the content, presentation and programming of your company's web site.

After all, your site is there to present your image to your prospects, deliver your value proposition and give them a compelling call to action. Those are all functions of good marketing.

Now right here is where I have to give a little commercial for Promise Productions. You see, that is who we are. We apply marketing communications to deliver your message to your audience through the web for optimum results. We have all the skill sets for success. Our experience communicating, designing, programming, marketing through the search engines and persuading means we deliver a web site poised to deliver solid results.

Learn more about our professional Dallas Web Site Design and Development services or simply take a look at our web site design gallery and you will see that each site is unique because it it tailored to be effective in its particular market.

You may like some and not like others. That is perfectly OK, because again, each one is meant to accomplish a specific marketing and business development goal that may not have anything to do with what your company needs to accomplish through its web site design.

Promise Productions' approach: we look at the online landscape, your marketplace and your competition to deliver a solid business class web site -- one designed to DOMINATE your chosen market. You want your website to MAKE you money, not just cost it right? That is why our marketing expertise drives the design and programming of your web site. Its simply the best way to enjoy happy clients!

If you are ready for the results a truly professional web site design can make possible for your business call us today at 214-703-0360.

May 19, 2009

Social Media Marketing - Who Feels They Know Your Company

This is an interesting TV report on Social Media Marketing.

When a corporation demonstrates that it is open and willing to listen, to respond, and to engage -- customers FEEL like they care. And that goes a long long way to the ever more rare holy grail of marketing - brand loyalty.

In the marketplace of a generation ago, it was all about who you knew. That was the insider connection that got you the job or the sale or the promotion that made all the difference.

People have recently commented that it is no longer so much about who you knew as who knows you. But what do they know you as? What is your image, your reputation, your brand -- from the individual level to the corporate level.

I am here to say that in just the past 2 months, things have gone to a whole new level. Now, with Social Media Marketing it is really about who FEELS that they know you.

It is this new kind of interaction that Social Media provides that can link you with like-minded prospects down the street just as easily as across the globe. It is said that Twitter is kind of like a giant cocktail party with light banter and many rapid interactions. This kind of dynamic socialization through computers and cell phones makes many new things possible at a speed that leaves traditional media in the dust.

Let me ask you, are you IN on the conversation? If you are like many corporations, the answer is "no." Well, if you are not in then you are on your way to being OUT.

We understand that social media marketing presents a whole new communications paradigm to companies used to messaging their customary way. Well the time is now to adapt or perish.

We understand. We also understand that companies have to squeeze efficiency like never before. And that often means there is no time or expert team put in place to stay on top of the rapidly evolving world of Social Media.

Your marketplace, your industry and your brand is already being talked about online. You need a dedicated advocate who can focus on managing that conversation -- so you can attend to the daily operation needs your corporation has.

That is where Covenant Designs comes in. We are on top of strategic ways to maximize your messaging through Social Media. So, whether it is brand management, strategic blogging, customer service, community outreach, public relations, product feedback, press releases, video distribution online or search engine visibility goals, we have programs customized to address your needs.

It is time to thrive: Call a Promise Productions brand advocate at 972-822-3587.

May 14, 2009

Strategic Blogging - Give Your Business An Edge with Social Media Marketing

Strategic Business Blogging is one of the most important things your company can do to be and stay relevant to your marketplace. It is the essential first step in successful Social Media Marketing.

Sadly, many bloggers receive little-to-no benefits from all their investment of blogging time and effort. That is because they are not thinking like a marketing firm and lack the strategic distinctions that produce results like these:

• blogging that raises the visibility of your company's main web site
• blogging that stimulates new business inquiries
• blogging that doubles the value of your Public Relations efforts
• blogging that maximizes the results from Press Releases
• blogging that facilitates customer service
• blogging that does not distract from your focus on day-to-day business operations

The above benefits are exactly what our "Blogging For Business" service provides. By blogging for you, you can rest assured that your blog is providing the maximum value to your business, giving it an approachable and professional image, facilitating positive PR, and helping your web site be found by more prospects.

"Your business blog is the perfect opportunity to speak to the community about your company, about your industry, and to respond to issues / questions that arise. Your blog is your opportunity to shine by being the good guy -- sharing, generous, and customer-service oriented. In turn, that creates the trust that paves the way for the best business deals." -- Marcus, president of Blogging 4 Business

Here are some free tips towards effective business blogging:

• Have one employee be the main company liason for the blog. That person can oversee it, take pride in it, and receive content from others within and outside the company

• Make sure your blog has its own domain name and unique IP address

• Make sure your company's other social media assets all link to the blog (Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, You Tube, CareerBuilder, BusinessWeek, Flickr, Wikipedia, etc.)

• Not every blog should be about you. Blog about related issues, marketplace developments, similar technologies, and interests that your prospects share in common.

• Re-post your press releases to your Blog.


We hope this whets your appetite for the benefits a properly setup and managed blog can provide your business. Would you like us to set the stage for propsects to trust you and want to do business with you?

Promise Productions welcomes your inquiries on effectively promoting your business through marketing communications, including blogging, video blogging and social media marketing. Call our Dallas headquarters at 972-822-3587.

May 13, 2009

Corporate Video Production - Dallas

Covenant Designs was awarded the contract for EIRO Research's video promoting the new book by their chief medical officer. The video is in post-production and scheduled for release in May 09. Without preempting any juicy details, we can only release a screen capture from the video at this time.

This corporate video shoot utilized two calibrated video cameras, full lighting, backdrop and teleprompter. The results, as you can see are quite professional. A wide screen video format both matched the company's contemporary image and fit the conversational nature of the video content.

This particular corporate video was designed for the web so it could be released on a massive scale and distributed through social media. Which is a great moment to mention that Covenant Designs' video production services are turnkey services -- meaning that we can help craft the message for its audience, produce it and then promote / market / distribute your video to drive results.

Our Dallas Video Production services are ideal for corporate videos, training videos, product release videos, video press releases and Social Media video distribution.

We welcome your inquiries on how to use video to your company's advantage at 972-822-3587.

May 12, 2009

Dallas Video Production - Equipped for Results

When it comes to Dallas Video Production, Promise Productions is equipped for success. To get professional results from your video communications -- be it training, promotion, webcasting or advertising -- it requires a combination of specific skills.

It is this full-featured set of video production skills and equipment that sets Promise Productions apart from would-be-professionals. Not all video projects require all these skills. Your project is unique. We are equipped to serve you with truly professional results in all of the following:

Pre Production: script writing, planning, casting, location scouting, budgeting

Video Production: professional cameras, lighting, sound, teleprompter, green screen and more.

Post Production: video editing, audio sweetening and motion graphics. Then we output your video for your purposes (broadcast, DVD, web, etc.)

One of the most exciting uses of video today is online. Your message can be rapidly distributed through video over the web in many ways:

Training Video Production: Now your training goes to them instead of the time and expense of them coming to you. You can also control and update your training content with speed and precision.

Social Media Marketing: informing, interacting and promoting has never been more powerful and cost-effective as through Social Media Marketing, Your videos can go on your web site, company blog as well as hundreds of social media video promotion channels.

There are many more exciting ways to harness the latest digital technology to turn video into serious profits, but I will keep this brief. Just know that you are free to call Promise Productions Media Communications and ask how our marketing-savvy video production can put your business out front at 972-822-3587.

May 11, 2009

Engage Social Media Marketing with a Strategic Corporate Blog

Word-of-mouth has long been one of the most powerful forms of advertising. If a friend gushes about a recent experience with a great new product, or if you, instead, see the frustration in their face as they complain of poor service, you are simply going to be swayed by that experience. Even if you had a different experience with those same products or services, their opinion informs and colors your perception of that company -- be it a bank or the corner dry cleaners.

In fact, first-hand testimonial, endorsement or critique from the man-on-the-street is more credible than all the celebrity endorsements, clever ads, catchy jingles and promotions combined.

Social Media is word-of-mouth on Steroids -- meaning it is online and spread to many places for many viewers being influenced. Social Media is so successful today because you and I both are fed up with only hearing the manufacturer's best claims for their stuff.

We want to know reality -- both good and bad. Social Media does that; and if your company is not participating in the conversation, then the future of your company is probably at the mercy of some stranger's opinion -- simply because it was voiced through this power new media and your side of the story was under-told.

Social Media Marketing is so effective for businesses, because, by getting on your prospect's level and engaging in dialogue online, you earn their trust and also can quickly respond to any customer questions, issues or suggesting on how to make your product or service that much more attractive.

That is why businesses have a wonderful opportunity with Social Media Marketing. And it is why Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, MySpace, Forums, etc.) has taken the Internet by storm. Everyone from janitors to CEO's checks out the first-hand testimonials on a product or service to save them time and inform the many decisions we make each day. Social Media Marketing, takes advantage of this to communicate positive branding to these prospects.

"Social Media is NOT a pushy sales pitch. It is informing your prospects, listening to them and then authentically sharing the positive benefits you look forward to providing your customers." – Marcus

The smartest first step for a company to take to harness social media marketing is blogging -- in a strategic business way.

Your business blog is an ideal way to compliment your web site and initiate a new business relationship because it let's the "looking perfect" guard down and let's your prospect see what you are up to and respond to you. This paves the way for a dialogue and it maximizes the trust that a new business relationship requires.

Not just blogging, but STRATEGIC blogging
There are many ineffective ways to blog. That is why we offer the service of managing your blogging and social media campaign for you. We structure blogging in the way to promote a business the most. Here are the benefits at a glance:

• Setup in a Strategic way to maximize the impact of every action
• Written professionally for optimum persuasion

• Does not cut into your business management time

• Best Practices that Promote your main website's Search Engine Visibility
• Keeps your business cutting edge in the rapidly changing world of Social Media
Our social media optimization plans complement your unique business model, marketing messages and campaign goals. Whether it’s optimizing and distributing videos, creating official pages on social networks, distributing press releases or simply monitoring and enhancing online brand buzz, we have a social media marketing campaign for you.

Communicate and persuade best by getting on your prospects' level. Learn more about our strategic blogging and social media management programs. Contact us today at 972-822-3587.

Social Media Marketing for Corporations - Tar Pit #3

This post continues the discussion of avoiding Social Media Marketing Tar Pits that will sink your business into extinction.

Covenant Designs is media marketing communications firm. That means we leverage Social Media marketing as your most powerful marketing tool. Now, more than ever, businesses need to adapt to the communications revolution that Social Media continues to be. More than every they need to get both quick short term and long term benefits from their budgets (their PR, Sales, Marketing, and Business Development budgets).

TAR PIT #3: Talking AT instead of WITH your prospects and customers will doom your company to extinction. Until your business actively demonstrates its willingness to care and listen to its customers, they will not care to listen to you. They will instead turn to a competitor that does care to listen and engage socially about the products and services they want.

Corporations are notorious for communicating in a style where they are "on high" (untouchable). Corporations pretend they never make mistakes and this act only futher sinks them down into the tar of distrust that kills the very sales their "good act" hoped to promote! Acting as if you are inaccessible is passé. Acting as if your company is above neeing to bend to the desires of your customers is pretentious and deadly. It is business suicide in the era where customer service means standing shoulder to shoulder.

Social Media is about authenticity and relating to the needs and desires of your customer. Social Media enables and necessitates a two-way dialogue between company and customer (both B2B and B2C). Continuing to sell or market in a way that simply talks at your customers is a deadly tar pit that will leave you stuck while your business leaves you for greener pastures.


Let us position you so that your customers want to do business with you and rave about you afterwards! At our core, we are about attracting the business profits you want.

Promise Production provides strategic social media campaign services so corporations can successfully outsource their social media knowing it is optimized to benefit them the most. For details call 972-822-3587

May 10, 2009

Social Media Marketing for Corporatations - Avoiding Tar Pits

As a strategic marketing communications firm, Promise Productions is a leader in applying the advances in Social Media to corporate America. Now, more than ever, businesses need to adapt to the communications revolution that Social Media continues to be. More than every they need to get the most results from their budgets (their PR, Sales, Marketing, and Business Development budgets).

In that light, our next critical message to corporate America is how to successfully apply Social Media Marketing Campaigns by avoiding Tar Pits. Corporations are particularly susceptible to these 3 Tar Pits that will trap them into a quick extinction.

TAR PIT #1: Assigning your corporate social media to an existing internal department that lacks the the full array of communications and media skill sets that social media campaign success requires. Social Media success requires close integration with IT, PR, Marketing, Video and Writing skillsets. As such, you either need to form your own full-time social media department of 5-10 full-time professionals, or outsource it to a reliable expert firm such as Covenant Designs.

TAR PIT #2: Ignoring social media as a fad. Denial is a sure fire tar pit that will sink your business into extinction. Social Media marketing is big. It is here to stay. It is evolving so fast that it requires full-time attention.

Our next post will address The Third Major Tar Pit. Stay tuned!


At our core, we are about attracting the business profits you want. Let us position you so that your customers want to do business with you and rave about you afterwards!

Promise Productions provides strategic social media campaign services so corporations can successfully outsource their social media knowing it is optimized to benefit them the most. For details call

May 9, 2009

Social Media Marketing For Corporations - Press Releases

Businesses can take advantage of Social Media for better Press Releases

One way your business can benefit from outsourcing its Social Media campaign to Promise Productions is in the area of Press Releases.

Press releases used to be the exclusive domain of a dedicated internal Public Relations employee or a PR firm. Today that is officially passé. PR people liked to justify their costs to their clients by telling them that "press releases simply _have_ to be written in one certain special way" and that "no place will accept your press release unless it is routed through their credentials," etc. etc..

That USED to be true, but no more. PR people have good reason to be running scared in many areas because they are no longer needed, having been bypassed with today's way of getting mass attention -- social media. That's right, you no longer have to a credentialed journalist to submit a press release. In fact, as Social Media experts, 99% of the time, we can do it better!

A couple years ago a few web sites offered online press releases. This was a step in the right direction. However, their audience was still limited and they charged big fees. That meant its effectiveness was limited and the time and expense means press releases had to be saved for only the most special of occasions.

No more! The press release has now evolved and your business can benefit from it. A Press Release is essentially an excuse to make an announcement to a wide audience about your company's update to its products and services. When you want EVERYONE to know, you use a press release.

Covenant Designs can now get your press releases distributed for you (or even written in the first place) through Social Media networks in a way that

1 • Reaches a wide audience
2 • Can be targeted to specific audiences
3 • Is friendly to the search engines (Google, Yahoo)
4 • Will resonate with like-minded businesses for months to come
5 • Can link to rich media content (audio, video, flash, websites) for high-powered communications

Put press releases to work for your business -- either on a per-case basis, or a monthly retainer. We're far more efficient and cost-effective than the best that was possible in 2008. Contact us or call 972-822-3587.

May 5, 2009

Social Media Marketing For Corporations - Intro

Let me introduce this series of Successful Corporate Social Media Marketing posts with the recent profound shifts that have caused the urgent need for large corporations to embrace a strategic approach to social media and social media marketing.


Corporations tend to be the most out of sync with social media. In 2008, social media was a significant, emerging new kind of media. But as of Spring 2009 it has now oficially fully overtaken all other forms of marketing communications combined.
As soon as 4th quarter 2009, many successful corporations of 2008 will go extinct -- primarily because they did not adapt successfully to social media and did not recognize they were already in a Tar Pit.
The problem is that corporations tend to be big and slow. Persuasion Power has already shifted thoroughly into the camp of Social Media. Will your corporation be one of the stuck elephants that realizes this too late?
Here are some of the Tar Pits many corporations are in today:

• they continuing marketing and online communications as usual, in denial that Social Media is already bigger than CNN, your sales force and website combined.

• they dabble in social media, but maintain the same typical corporate communication style (talking AT instead of talking WITH -- selling instead of attracting.

• they are haphazard without a genius strategy to pull it all together for optimum impact

• they make a stab at social media but box it into an existing department (IT, marketing, sales, Public Relations, Customer Service) when it encompasses all of these.
Their results are frustratingly imbalanced and without power just as trying to run an 8-cylinder car on one cylinder would be.

Friends, everything is at stake. You prospects and current customers are ALREADY on social media, talking about relevant issues, market developments, products and services.

Are you IN on that conversation or is your business adrift at at the mercy of the loudest voices in social media?

Would you like to be effective in the art of social media persuasion where your voice and message will attract your customers from this moment forward?

If you are in business -- any business -- your customers and prospective customers are ALREADY using social media to tune into your reputation, your marketplace, and conversations closely relates to your services. If you are not harnessing Social Media, your business is committing slow suicide by targeting where your prospects used to be, not where they are today and tomorrow.


Our upcoming posts will address critical issues to effective Social Media Marketing such as:

• Avoiding Tar Pits
• Learning to engage with your prospect and attract them instead of talking at them

We invite you to outsource your social media marketing to us. We can orchestrate it for maximum positive effect because we possess and integrate the many skill sets that success requires. Learn more by calling Promise Productiosn at 972-822-3587.