Feb 26, 2009

Dallas Green Screen Photographer / Videographer

In Dallas, Green Screen can be used for many purposes. The green color can be replaced with any still of motion background. This makes it ideal for party photography for special events because your guests can appear in front of a background we design that commemorates the event of brands your company.

It is also ideal for corporate videos to let us superimpose your spokesperson on top of other footage for a more professional video presentation.

At Promise Productions, we use the same green screen as is used in the movies for special effects. This compliments our Dallas video production and video editing services.

So whether you want green screen photography of green screen video production call us at 972-822-3587.

Feb 13, 2009

Dallas Internet Marketing Campaign Solutions

Internet Marketing is becoming more and more meaningful and important. Your prospects use the main search engines like Google and Yahoo to find their products and services.

Four years ago, Internet Search became the dominant way businesses were chosen; today in 2009, it is almost the only way -- funneling over 90% of your customers to you.

It is easy to see why your business success is virtually synonymous with the success of your Web Site, your Social Media and your Search Engine Visibility.

To make matters worse, business is faster paced and more chaotic than ever. All too often the result is that your internal marketing, your IT department, your web designer, your ad agency, your SEO guy, your sales team, your email marketing and your public relations are on different pages, speaking different languages.

Your prospects get a jumbled patchwork of messages about your company. The result of non-integration in marketing communications is less confidence that hinders the decision to send their business your way.

You want to be clear. You want to be focused. You want to invite results.

Let Covenant Designs Champion Your Internet Marketing
We have the skill sets to pull your many business initiatives together under one master strategy. By integrating your marketing, you pull these separate voices into a more powerful harmony. We can analyze the current marketplace and pull the right services together to attract the optimum business deals your way.

1. Consult on the effectiveness of your current marketing initiatives.
2. Analyze the marketplace and the competition
3. Turn breakdowns into breakthroughs with integrated online strategies
4. Manage any or all of the following:
For fast track results, call Promise Productions at 972-822-3587.

Feb 12, 2009

Dallas Video Production Gets Results

It's been proven; your audience responds best to video.

Whether you want to promote your services, advertise a product, train your staff or persuade through the web, today's audience wants, remembers and acts on video presentations.

Video promotes services by showing the service and its benefits. This answers most of your prospect's questions, cultivates trust in the service and creates a sense of professionalism regarding your company. Video adds the personal touch, shows your prospect that you care, and engages them with demonstrating the service in action.

Video is also the best way to advertise a product. Remember the TV shopping network? That still generates consistent profits today because the product is seen from multiple angles and demonstrated for them. In fact, video communicates best on any product from industrial machinery to custom homes. Why? Because showing is even more powerful than telling.

Training videos are a prime way that companies today save money, increase quality and speed up results. Training videos offer a consistent message – solving quality control in training. Training video can be sent to the individual or shown over the Internet – saving travel time and money.

Training Videos can get new employees up to speed quickly. Rather than having to read and remember detailed employee manuals, video training takes 1/10 the time and is remembered because the eyes see, the hears hear and the desired actions are demonstrated. Studies show that video training content is remembered and hours of corrections are eliminated. Your employees spend their time, not learning to produce, but actually producing.

Video has unparalleled power to persuade. Demonstrations and testimonials show, not just the Features, but the Benefits in living color. Persuasion works best when it is part of a storyline.

The big advertisers today are putting their money into more subtle ads inside of feature films. Why? Becuase if the audience is engaged in a story (any story) they will accept and receive most any embedded message -- simply becuase it is part of they story they are a part of.

My point is that when we, as a marketing communications firm, finds the compelling stories in your product, service or brand, we can engage your customers and prospects in the most meaningful way -- in the context of how what you offer is good and why they should want to be part of it.

Lights, Cameras, ACTION
Today's smart money is put on promotion through video. From the local small business to world-famous luxury hotels and resorts, professional video production has been proven offers the absolute highest ROI.

Did you know how much you customers are already wanting you to communicate to them through video? Professional video production restores their confidence in moving forward with your company. In fact, in the 4th quarter of 2008, 52% of ALL Internet searches were for video.

Video is rapidly outpacing every other form of communication, promotion, marketing or advertising. Newspapers have gone online and are now filled with videos. Entertainment has embraced video at every opportunity. Billboards are even becoming video billboards. And last but not least, the Internet is becoming largely a way to deliver a customer-specific video for niche products and services.

We can say with confidence, "this is the season to join the video revolution or be passed by." To apply all the cash flow advantages video can offer your business, call Promise Productions Marketing Communications at 972-822-3587.

Feb 11, 2009

Social Media Gets Down To Business

Today's companies need to harness the advantage that a Social Media Campaign gives them. Looking at the benefits, they are too important to ignore:

1 • Elevates the Company's Web Site in page rank for searches -- be found by prospective new business opportunities.

2 • Builds Positive PR - people speaking well of your brand, your service, and their experience doing business with you.

3 • Gets your products and services in front of thousands of people who would otherwise not know about what your company offers

4 • Creates a dynamic network of online buzz about what your company is currently up to.

Let's touch on each benefit.

First, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can only go so far, no matter how much money you throw at it. SEO is a popularity context with the search engines, but you can influence, but never determine, the final outcome Social Media Campaigns offer that additional way to build a mass of links (link popularity) that act like signposts pointing back to your company's main web site, thereby raising your page rank with Google and Yahoo.

SEO is a moving target because of constant changes in
(a) the market,
(b) your competitor's online actions, and
(c) the search engine's rules for page rank

That means the reality is that the SEO that worked 8 months ago is much less potent now. The moral is that:

• SEO needs to be refreshed every 6 months
• SEO needs to be augmented with ongoing boosts from Social Media Campaigns

Regarding the benefit of the Positive PR that Social Media can generate for your company: Word of mouth has moved online. Your prospects are already using social media to see what the "word on the street" is before taking action to trust their business to you. When they search, you want them to find positive reflections about your products and services.

See our past two blog posts for details on strategic ways to manage what people are saying about your brand -- and how to leverage it for positive cash flow.

When it comes to getting your company's products and services in front of thousands of potential customers: social media thrives on the buzz of the latest news. This "hot" information is designed to be spread through interconnected networks in the social media world.

When we orchestrate your social media campaign, we send your latest news out via RSS feeds to key hot spots where people already interested in learning about the things you offer come for information. Because our savvy social media marketing ripples out to benefit you by being found in the right place at the right time, you stand to profit.

Manage and Build Your BUZZ for profitable attention: for purposes of using social media for boosting your business, we will think of Buzz as the sum of all things being said online about your brand and your company. Social Media thrives on something interesting being said. At Promise Productions, we are marketers... communicators... we know how to engage your audience with a positive vision about your company.

Your strategic business blog, is an ideal component of your social media campaign that we use to spread your messages to multiple online networks that generate a social conversation about... you! The result is buzz in the right places. You'll like the results.

Savvy companies appreciate the importance of managing their brand online. Promise Productions knows how to manage your brand online and influence the influencers. We understand marketing communications (in web sites, in Internet marketing, in Social Media, in Blogging) so we know how to create the right presence for your brand in the markets that count.

Put this to work for you by calling Promise Productions Marketing Communications at 972-822-3587.

Feb 10, 2009

Using Social Media for Positive PR

Refer to our previous post for an overview of how Social Media has changed the face of Public Relations. Because what the public sees on the Internet often makes up most of what they know about your business, managing your online image is very important.

An unhappy customer has access to the same Internet as your business does. And these days a happy customer tells 3 people, but an unhappy one can now use the Internet to tell 30,000 people! In addition to the need to maintain high customer service standards, you want to get the positive PR on your company our there on the world wide web.

As Lee Iacocca said "you can have brilliant ideas, but if you can't get them across, your ideas won't get you anywhere." Social Media is a great tool for getting your ideas "out there" to be responded to. Instead of just being at the mercy of what everyone else is saying online, our Social Media optimization services advocate using Social Media to your advantage is about creative persuasion (aka marketing) and getting across why your prospects should WANT to do business with your company. We call that "Marketing Communications" and it is how you attract the business success you want.

Here are the Top Five ways to use Social Media for beneficial PR.

1 • Instead of the happy customer just telling 3 other people, put them on your blog so the goodness can spread to all the areas your blog is broadcast to. Better yet, do a video feature on your website and blog (it does not have to be fancy, just real) so prospective customers can see and hear someone who appreciated the value of what your company offers.

2 • Blogs are great for positive PR for two basic reasons. First, you yourself write them so you control the content. (Or hire professionals like Promise Productions to ghost write your blog entries in a marketing-savvy way). Second, you can moderate any comments that outsiders make -- filtering out those who would devalue your content.

3 • Put your Press Releases on Your blog. These newsworthy announcements deserve the extra boost in awareness that your blog's (when properly setup) RSS feed can give it.

4 • Be your own publicist. A publicist is there to accentuate the positive spin on whatever their client does. Don't distort the facts, but feel free to utilize Social Media to announce donations made, how your employees volunteer at other charitable organizations, community involvement, to explain the positive motivations and intentions behind company actions, changes and so forth.

5 • Put positive PR out there on other blogs. Find complimentary blogs with common interests and leave a positive footprint there. Comments and testimonials, when done in a win-win fashion and not a self-serving, opportunistic style, can let readers of other blogs know what worked for you. Pay it forward. Think of this as a place to share your positive comments and testimonials.

For Strategic Blogging and Social Media Optimization services call Promise Productions at 972-822-3587.

Feb 8, 2009

Social Media Strategy For Positive Public Relations

Today, everyone gets their information online and does a reality-check against advertising hype by seeing what "the people" have to say through social media (Blogging, Facebook, Myspace, etc.)

Your customers and prospects are getting information about your company online before doing business with you. The days where there were just 12 channels on TV, a dozen radio stations in town, one newspaper per city and died with the 60s.

So isn't it time you managed your company's Image and Public Relations where your customers are -- Online and in Social Media. That is why businesses must replace their old PR approaches with ones that impact social media networks.

Public Relations is about creating a POSITIVE link between the company and the public. Public relations is all about creating and maintaining relationships. Relationships can be between an organization and the public, management and employees or business to business. Distrust of the polished News-anchor is at an all-time high. The public is now thoroughly into Social Media for trustworthy reports about your products and services.

Social media and SEO are constantly evolving, but thankfully, our team knows the latest features, strategies and networks that help distribute information, increase visibility and monitor results.

The days of constructing intricate press kits and snail mailing to editors at publications are gone. In fact, those very publication’s days are numbered. The ones that have survived are the ones that successfully transitioned their information where there readers are -- online.

With all the social media options out there, where do you start? The three main social media outlets to manage are — Bloggers, Facebook and Twitter.

Bloggers now have just about as much clout as the seasoned newspaper columnist. You cannot afford to dismiss blogging's ability to sway public opinion. As we know, customers feel better about a brand and will be more loyal if they believe the company cares about them.

There is a fly in Social Media's ointment: it is easier than ever to attract negative PR! It used to be that you had to have some credentials in the industry to launch a complaint that would stick.

But today there are a dozen major sites that readily accept any complaint against your company without verifying it. (RipOffReport, for example, along with a host of others) Sadly, these complaint sites make money by charging the business to "undo" the negative PR.

So while the little guy now has a voice (as he should) on the one hand, there is a scam going on and some honest businesses are getting hurt more than they should. Were this in the traditional days of PR and the mud slinging was being done in the newspaper, you could have protested under Libel, but as it is cast as "a customer's opinion" such hearsay is much harder to remove.

This is all the more reason why now is the time for business to protect their well-earned reputation with positive PR. Stay tuned for our next blog post on utilizing Social Media for Positive PR and Optimum Search Engine Visibility.

Call the professionals at Promise Productions at 972-822-3587 for effective Internet Marketing, Web Site Visibility and Social Media Optimization.

Feb 7, 2009

Strategic Blogging & Social Media for Business Profits

Social Media is all the buzz today because nearly everyone online today uses it in some form or other. It is growing and developing rapidly and the excitement is warranted. Did you ever wonder if you could harness this giant wave to some degree to benefit your business? This blog post is about just that!

Social Media Grows Up
To start with, blogging and social media was not originally created as a means to advertising. (but it can be used for that purpose.... keep reading) Social Media originated as a place where the average Joe could share what he was passionate about and inasmuch as that included a product, service or company, he gave his personal "thumbs up" as it were.

The enormous mass of individuals now doing this daily, has given rise to serious attention by Web Site Developers, Search Engine Marketers, Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Optimizers.

In fact, more progressive Marketing Communication firms such as Covenant Designs, now include Social Media and Strategic Blogging in their skillsets.

In short, Social Media means that word-of-mouth has firmly moved online. Individuals now consult the "community wisdom" of other people who have already experienced a product, company or service before they commit to action. Studies prove again and again that the opinions and messages on the Internet are the decisive determining factor over friends, coworkers and traditional authority figures. The idea is that this is a pool of unbiased individuals, and that many people "can't be wrong."

Although unassuming in concept, Social Media does something tremendous and priceless -- it bridges the TRUST GAP, thereby paving the way for prospects to sample YOUR product or service.

(for more about successfully bridging the confidence gap in your marketing, click here)

Businesses have an increasingly vested interest in promoting themselves in a cost-effective manner in this lean economy. Businesses should all be very aware and very concerned about managing their image -- their PR on the web.

You see, your official company web site is a formal presentation of your company. Your company blog, on the other hand, is where you get down on your customer's level to interact, share, and listen to THEM. Customers like that and will reward you with business for being EXTRA responsive to their needs. And we all know that no business will survive long without serving their customers where THEY live.

This does not mean that any old blog will do. It all revolves around smart strategy to setup, produce content and distribute your blog around cyberspace. That is where Promise Productions Strategic Blogging Services come in.

Social Media Strategy Tip:
Social Media can cut both ways -- customers can complain or endorse you -- fairly or unfairly, and now their opinion has a forum and a life of its own that spreads its influence. Just think, a rant on RipOffReport will hang around for 10 years even if you ended up making that customer happy later on.

It has become danerously easy for an individual to sling mud at your company for any reason and you not to even know it is hurting your sales! Obviously it pays more than ever to provide great customer service.

What a smart business does is implement a social media strategy for all kinds of GOOD PR to be spread around the Internet, and have that overwhelm any NEGATIVE PR that threatens to soil your company's image.

We market your business to make our best prospects like doing business with you and give you their thumbs up! Want to know more? Contact Promise Productions at 972-822-3587.

Social Media & Strategic Blogging Business Campaign Management

More Profit Through Smarter Marketing Strategy

Word-of-mouth has long been one of the most powerful forms of advertising. Approval from someone that you know and respect can be stronger than all the celebrity endorsements, clever ads, catchy jingles and promotions combined. Now you can tap into that same persuasion power through social media management. Why? Because word-of-mouth has moved online.

Enter Social Media
50% of adults use social media -- a growing online dialogue regarding any topic that people are passionate about. Anyone with an internet connection, an opinion and a few moments of free time can engage in social media via blogs, message boards, forums and social networks. Through these channels, people exchange thoughts and feelings, recommend products and services and spread online content to their ever-widening fabric of friends, family, acquaintances and coworkers.

Social Media Powers Business
85% of 18-34 year olds use social media networks to communicate. Social Media allows you to get involved in your customers’ lives and let them feel that their voice is heard. Monitoring the social media landscape lets you tap into conversations about your brand—encouraging positive comments and addressing any negative ones before it’s too late. Businesses that listen and act on these voices experience growing customer satisfaction and increased market share, and benefit from an invaluable competitive edge.

How can your Business benefit from Social Media?
By claiming your spot in the social circle. When you develop unique pages and/or applications within social communities, such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, you can speak to customers on their level and take advantage of their friend networks.

Social Media Management
Business need to approach Social Media in a strategic way. That’s why we develop and manage custom social media optimization (SMO) plans that complement your unique business model, marketing messages and campaign goals. Whether it’s optimizing and distributing videos, creating official pages on social networks or simply monitoring and enhancing online brand buzz, we have a social media marketing campaign for you.

Social Media Optimization is the quickest way to gain brand recognition in a familiar environment for your customers. Social media marketing and Blogging takes SEO (Search Engine Optimization) one step further—in addition to increased visibility and traffic, you also increase the scope of your campaign by gaining access to massive and maturing networks of friends and family.

Whereas your web site "stays put" as it were attracting visitors to it, our Strategic Blogging service actively broadcasts your messages out to prospects, not just referring business back to your company's web site, but proactively suggesting your services to prospects who would never have known about your company otherwise.

Learn more about our social media management programs. Call us at 972-822-3587 today for a free consultation.

Feb 6, 2009

Marketing's 3 Year Rule

As a rule of thumb, each year a typical business looses 1/3 of its clients. Change happens, regardless of your level of service or customer support.

As a result, if you are not replacing OVER 1/3 of your clients each year, within 3 years you will completely be out of business. A daunting task you say?

Yes it is nearly impossible, IF you are still relying on 20th century marketing and advertising methods in a 21st century world.

Promise Productions was formed to cause your ideal growth and profitability. Our visual marketing communications geniuses practically live to craft your image to appeal to your best prospects, while also giving you the right visibility at the right time to attract the most profitable jobs your way.

How Do We Get Such Great Results?
We are Marketing 2.0 savvy. It is an Internet world, a video world and a social media world. These days even word-of-mouth has been eclipsed by the Internet's ability to connect customers to products and services. Over 90% of your prospects are ONLY looking online to find you -- even if you are a mere 1 mile down the road from them.

We position you for maximum success with:

1 • The Right Website that is both visually engaging, full of value and designed to get a positive response.

2 • Social Media and Strategic Blogging gives business a powerful edge today to leverage word of mouth and search engine popularity in the online arena.

3 • The Right Internet Visibility. That means marketing your web site, being found in the search engines and found with positive PR in this era of increasing scams and decreasing trust.

And Now For the "Secret Sauce": (drumroll...)
The big secret is that we apply marketing-savvy video in all 3 areas. Your customers want to be given an experience of your product or service -- its lifestyle and benefits. Nothing comes close to video's power to do just that. Video amplifies your results (when done right) by 50% to a whopping 200%!

Combine that with our tested design and visibility techniques and voila -- the recipe for sweet success in any market!

Contact Promise Productions Visual Marketing Communications at 972-822-3587 to secure your fair market share.

Feb 1, 2009

Dallas Videographer / Cameraman

At Covenant Designs Dallas Video Production, we want to take an entry to talk about pre-production. Unless your video is "reality TV" style or a live event, your video's end results depend on the planning and marketing message strategy that goes into it before video editing starts.

Video Pre-Production
There are several aspects to video pre-production such as message, storyboarding and scripting. Not to mention casting on-screen talent or voice overs.

Dallas Video Production
The saying "garbage in, garbage out" holds true for video production. That is why the artistic vision and quality of the video cameras and video cameramen is so important. You need the lighting and movement and angles that best communicate your message. Covenant Designs offers professional 3CCD High Definition cameras that are state-of-the-art. In the right hands, this equipment competes with the expensive film cameras of mega-budget feature films. Lenses, camera angles, when done right, is vital yet hardly even noticed as what you "see" is the message, not the camerawork.

Video Post-Production
takes the great footage gathered in Production and assembles it with sound, voice and video editing to tell your story according to plan.

For video production that gets great results, call Promise Productions Video Production at 972-822-3587.