Feb 14, 2013

Deadly Flaw #2 - Simply Cutting Costs will pull us through

Deadly Flaw #2: Cutting Costs will pull us through. This myth is killing many companies today precisely because it has (had) a grain of truth to it! Yes, there are areas off fluff and inefficiency that need to be cut out. But face it, you can only cut costs so much and for so long. And probably the areas you've cut costs in are the wrong ones.

Many companies neglect consultants and marketing when times are "tight" and thereby starve themselves of the vital nutrients they need to have that forward-thinking vision that will differentiate themselves in the marketplace and elevate their value. The result is a downward spiral of defeat.

You already see it reflected in national politics; now see it in your own company: It is easy to look at Congress and realize,
"there is no real solution as long as politics is king, where mere rhetoric prevails and no willingness to meet the people at their need or truly change the underlying approaches to today's economic conditions. Both taxing and throwing money at new policies in a reactionary way never addresses the  Instead of everyone protecting their turf or clinging to their past political dogma, special interests needs to give way to everyone's interests." 
 I am here to remind you that these very same flaws exist in most businesses preventing them from surpassing their competition and enjoying the lion's share of the profits. 

The answer is that, yes, you evaluate where budgets are going into areas that either never served you or no longer serve you. But you REALLOCATE those funds to new strategies that align with the marketplace and current customer behavior. Without the STRATEGIC VISION to know where to reallocate the financial lifeblood of your company, you're only starving yourself needlessly.

For superior Dallas Strategic Marketing, call 877-858-0071.

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