May 24, 2011

Top 2 Business Mistakes

There are Two Primary mistakes that both small and medium sized businesses in Dallas make that keep them in a struggle mode. These are:
1. Not Marketing
2. Not Marketing

Seriously, those without a strategic marketing plan, fail to market and thus stay in a reactionary mode. Either they are slammed with business and so they "fail to market themselves" or business is slow, and they don't have the money to market themselves.

So either they are reacting to the workload and thus too busy to look ahead. Or they are too slow and desperate for the next batch of work, but without the funding or the plan to effectively promote their business.

"Marketing is all about putting a compelling message where your prospects are -- one that clearly shows you value. One that conveys that to use you is to benefit them."

That is where our Dallas business development services come in and where our marketing strategy comes in. Whatever the next step for your business' growth, come to Promise Productions and get a strategic plan we will help you implement for maximum profits. Call 877-858-0071.

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