Nov 30, 2009

Content Marketing - Internet Marketing and Strategic Social Media Marketing

As a business wanting to attract more customers through the Internet, are you struggling with content creation? We hear that all the time. First, we understand – you have a million other things to do and don't have time to blog or tweet, right? Well, here are a couple of time saver ideas to help your company come up with content for your blog program:

Outsource Content Creation - Promise Productions offers professional content creation at really low prices, if you just don't have the resources within your organization, this may be the best option for you. By "professional" we mean, not only well-written but marketing savvy – filled with keywords and positive links to best benefit your company's visibility and image.

Employee contest - if it's difficult to get your employee's to blog, try asking them to submit stories to you (the administrator). One idea - send an email out asking for the top questions your sales team and customer service reps get from their customers and what answer they give. You can turn each of those Q&A's into a post. And you could reward the person who submits the most Q&A's.

Customer contest - have a contest for your customers - send out an email to customers and ask them to share their story (or video) of how they use your product. Then the best story could receive a prize and you could submit all of those stories as blog posts.

Content creation is key to the success of your business blog program. Blogging strategically for better business is not just about having a blog, but USING it. Like that piece of exercise equipment, the more you use it, the more you benefit.

So too, you must also write consistent, relevant content. We are happy to help on the track for success with social media marketing, so call Promise Productions at 972-822-3587.

Nov 25, 2009

Our Gift - The Right Change For Success

It's time for the Holidays, the season of giving. The season of gratitude, giving and family. We're all busy thinking about how to make the people in our lives happy. Let me suggest, as you look out towards future of your business, if that future looks like the struggles you've continued to have all through 2009, you may not feel like celebrating.

What is needed is the right change for success. There are many companies dying right now. There are also many companies experiencing unprecedented growth and profits.

As a strategic marketing communications agency, our daily job is to develop and implement savvy marketing strategies to attract your ideal new business. It is a task that challenges us each day, and yet we are more optimistic than ever! Why?

Because, if you are really willing to adapt to today's marketplace, we can provide effective strategies for appealing to today's customers. We work to answer the questions of what really get's results. And our value is in how we provide these answers that apply to your business' needs.

So the BEST GIFT we at Promise Productions can give you is the Right Change For Success. The best gift you can GIVE YOURSELF or give your company or employees, is not an electronic gadget, cash bonus, or the like. It is a BETTER FUTURE.

How can we talk so confidently about a better future when many are in fear and uncertainty? Are we in denial of the negatives all around us? No, but we know that a higher degree of success comes through smarter marketing that brings new leads and new clients / customers your way.

Let's start with a real conversation with your company. A conversion about your past, present and future. A conversation about your goals and desires. About your dreams and the vision of the company.

Then let's talk about the "right change" for you. Our marketing / branding / advertising consultation services can provide the needed transformation so you love working at a company that does what your company does :-)
  • Change in perspective / mindset / attitude
  • Change your presentation to be most compelling
  • Change the dynamics so you not only succeed yourself, but make a positive difference for all your customers.
  • Change the ways your prospects can find you
To enjoy all this you need the right strategy where hopes become a reality. Let us give you this gift. Give yourself the gift of receiving the services Promise Productions provides -- they really are "services" because they exist to serve your business.

Will you let yourselves be served? I am grateful for this opportunity to serve your business goals in the largest sense of the word. Let Promise Productions help you discover the right tools, strategies and marketing campaigns to create the breakthroughs that will take your business from ordinary to extraordinary. We welcome your call at 972-822-3587.

Nov 24, 2009

Covenant Designs Gets Marketing Results

Promise Productions offers the right marketing strategy and visual presentation to attract your ideal customers for maximum profits. We differentiate you from your competitors by communicating your value proposition with clarity and power.

Our marketing services provide strategic solutions for effectively accomplishing your business goals. Whether you need video production, website design, internet marketing, catalogs, brochures or photography, we present you in the best light for optimum results.

Enjoy the fruits of success. Let us call attention to your distinctive value to attract both the hearts and budgets of your prospects.

Promise Production creates lasting positive impressions that express the essence of what your services are about. Get seen at the right place and time. Enjoy targeted visibility for higher recognition and profits.

We are about one thing – outstanding client service that delivers results. Our focus extends beyond just providing the best in web development and marketing presentation, to building a profitable relationship that continues for years. Our ability to deliver new business to our clients is the biggest reason they keep coming back for more.

We welcome your call at 972-822-3587.

Nov 21, 2009

Strategic ACTION for Massive Marketing Success

Friends, the surest path to business failure is halfhearted action. If you dabble in your business or if you dabble in your marketing, you do not deserve to expect any positive results.

So many movies tell the story of the hero. I am sure you can think of several. In every case, the hero takes risk and takes massive action, committed action. If you shrink back, you lose the prize. But if you press forward (with a wise strategy) and overcome the resistance, you can win. Being a champion, being a winner, being a success, inherently means doing MORE than others so you can enjoy BETTER results.

There are enemies of success: worry, fear, hesitation. As one hero, Morpheus, in "The Matrix" movies said:

"You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind."

I realize if this were EASY, everyone would do and have massive success. But the great news is that your business success starts with a CHOICE. There are many applications of this life lesson, but what Promise Productions provides is smart strategies for marketing results. So my application in this post is to be UNWAVERING in your commitment to a strategic marketing plan.

I can honestly share that many times in my business I have become discouraged because I expected the "seeds" (actions and business leads, etc.) to bear immediate and overwhelmingly positive results. Reality disillusioned me. I have been in the trenches learning what marketing strategies bear the best fruit.

It is time to get honest: there are a percentage of business deals that don't work out or go through -- regardless of whether you gave it your all on your end. Remember, a business/customer relationship takes at least TWO. What your business can commit to, right now, is to give it your all.

What our business had to learn, is not to stop and coast with SOME actions, but rather to take MASSIVE action. Knowing there is an attrition rate, you OVERBOOK your day-planner, you call MORE leads than you think you need to, send more direct mail pieces, more marketing emails, more search engine landing pages and keywords, etc.

We thought we were doing "enough", but the results became a mirror showing us that we were wrong. The "enough" that used to be enough was not enough anymore. There's more competition among other factors, in YOUR marketplace. It is time to ADJUST and REORIENT your marketing to thrive in today's business world.

So the "new enough" is MASSIVE action. That means deciding right now, once and for all, to make marketing a PRIORITY. Yes, to give it the time and budget it needs to be ENOUGH. After all, your business lives off of leads, off of new clients or new projects. Stagnation is inevitable suicide. Marketing is what drives new business deals (and their profits) your way.

At Promise Productions , we live and breathe marketing strategy and its implementation. Knowing you have to be BETTER than your competition, we hone and refine our marketing plans. Let us review your business, its goals, what has worked for you and what has not worked.

Let us provide strategic marketing consultation. But be prepared to do ENOUGH to truly succeed. The best plan with half-hearted action is a recipe for mediocrity. A solid plan with solid action following through will break your businesses financial plateau and shift your company from struggle into prosperity.

Be prepared for success and the actions it takes to prosper. Call Promise Productions at 972-822-3587and let us show you how.

Nov 18, 2009

Covenant Designs Customer Appreciation

At Promise Productions , our marketing communications services work together with a single goal – to help your business grow.

From Graphic Design for logos and advertising to Professional Website design and Development; from Search Engine Marketing to Strategic Blogging and Social Media Marketing; we’re your source for unlimited creative and marketing possibilities.

In appreciation of our customers and in gratitude for God's blessings, we are offering 10% OFF our Design and Web services through 12/15/09, simply by mentioning this post when you call 972-822-3587.

Want growth? Contact Promise Productions at 972-822-3587 and see for yourself.

Nov 17, 2009

Strategic Email Marketing Advantages at Covenant Designs

E-mail marketing is a very cost-effective way for companies of all sizes to compete successfully in business today. Yet many companies fail to capitalize on this exceptional marketing strategy—and are losing sales as a result.

That’s why Promise Productions  provides Email Marketing Campaign Services -- our innovative e-mail marketing management solution. Being a marketing company with deep roots in strategic Graphic Design, plus our Internet Marketing skills -- we can develop a successful email marketing campaign for your company. Ont that is effective at getting your message to your customers and prospects.

Email marketing evolved from direct mail marketing. We all remember times when we got receive unsolicited mails in our physical mailbox. Do you remember and looking at reading some of them? Some were junk that never invited further examination, but quite a few were able to win your interest, and perhaps, they even made you say - "I want what this person is offering."

Today's email marketing has a wealth of possibilities for growing your business. You see, more than a printed piece, your email can contain photos and links to your products and services -- all with automated tracking that direct mail marketing never had. In addition, email marketing is perfect for today's Internet-savvy customers, plus it eliminates the cost or printing and postage!

  • Email marketing is a more inexpensive option. Sending emails is far cheaper than actually printing and mailing letters.
  • Generating leads for an email marketing campaign is easier. People are more likely to leave their email addresses rather then a real, physical address.
  • With Email marketing, you have the advantage of being able to do multiple levels of follow-ups. A direct mail piece has but one chance to convince the recipient to purchase a product or a service. Email marketing can convince the prospect into subscribing to a mailing list, ensuring in the process that he or she would receive future emails for future offers. Additionally, the recipients of emails can be led to a website for further conversion possibilities.

Email marketing has three purposes:
  1. To win sales
  2. To Increase awareness of your brand, products and services
  3. To gather sales leads
There are several components to a successful email marketing campaign, and at Promise Productions, we possess the right skillsets in each area to make your email marketing effective:

  • A clear communication of your Value Proposition or Special Offer
  • Visual Design to appeal to your audience
  • Marketing-Savvy links and response systems to promote your website
  • Professional management of your email list

We are here for YOU -- helping you write great content, manage your list well, so that the results you will achieve will be rewarding and motivating! We understand that customers respond well when treated with intelligence, common sense, and respect. Promise Productions by calling 972-822-3587 to get started utilizing email marketing to your advantage.

Converse with your Customers and Prospects for Long-Term Survival

Today’s companies are going to have to create a dialogue with their customers in order to survive long term. Capturing customers' loyalty and business dollars in the process of that dialogue depends on how well their marketing campaign strategy is.

Increasingly, if consumers don’t have a chance to have a conversation with a company that will listen and respond to their needs, a responsive competitor will arise and take all the money with them.

This is where our professional social media marketing services comes in. The right business strategy to your Social Media Marketing will provide that dialogue, customer service, responsiveness as well as two other keys to long-term profits: (1) a pulse on your industry and what it wants, (2) promoting your brand, products and services to thousands of extra prospects!

Let our social media marketing consultation set your business up with the right strategy for smarter marketing. Call 972-822-3587 today.

Nov 16, 2009

Give Customers More Ways to Find Your Business

The Value Of Blogging For Your BusinessDo you still regard blogs as a means of expression only for teens to talk about their favorite bands, or citizen journalists to support the political party of their choice? While it's true that these types of pages exist by the thousands, a blog can also be a powerful business tool for a company looking to increase search engine exposure and to connect with clients. At Promise Productions Marketing Communications, we focus on blogging in a strategic way to build your business.

Having a Website is Not Enough
Company blogs are a rapidly expanding area of the Internet, and businesses that are currently communicating this way have established a significant advantage over their competition.

Chances are you already have a website, but blogs provide an effective means to expand your online presence, to connect with more clients, and to build traffic to your website. In fact, it might be easier to get your blog on the first page of Google, than your website! Let us show you how.

It Internet is now the main way your customers and prospects find out information about your company, your product or your service. The easier it is for them to find you, and the more information you can provide when they do, the better your chance to earn their business.

Four Steps to Effective Business Blogging

1. Write about something you know.
The hardest part about blogging for some company executives is finding subjects to write about. But these are the same people that have built a successful business - in part based on their industry knowledge and ability to serve their customers. These are the subjects that should comprise the majority of your blog entries.

What new products or solutions have come into your industry? What are the questions and concerns that are foremost on your customers’ minds? In what areas could your industry be doing a better job serving its clientele? All of these are ideal subjects for a blog.

2. Focus on helpful information, not promotion
While a blog can help to sell your product, you do not want your readers to presume that this is your only purpose for its creation. When written effectively, a blog should communicate information that is helpful to the reader, while subtly communicating how your company is suited to serve their needs.

Think of a company profile article in a business magazine. The article will contain information about that company’s history, employees and achievements. By doing so, the reader will learn more about the company and hopefully want to do business with them, without being hit with an overt sales pitch.

That same strategy should be utilized when writing a blog. And by toning down the marketing aspect, you may find your blog entries will be quoted on other business websites that are also looking to inform their readership without endorsing a particular product or company. The more places online in which your company’s name and capabilities are mentioned, the more traffic you can drive to your website.

3. Proofread, proofread, proofread
Although a blog can be written in a more casual tone than a press release or a marketing document, spelling and grammar are no less important. It doesn’t matter how interesting or informative your message if it is expressed in a way that questions your professionalism.

4. Get the word out
Don’t just post your blog on your website. Cross-post each entry to social networking sites such as Facebook, and promote the appearance of a new entry on Twitter. We are experts at maximizing your blog's effectiveness this way. So contact Promise Productions for strategic blogging at 972-822-3587.

Nov 15, 2009

Got Value? Got Service? Got Profits?

As a business your very survival depends on providing value. Value means you are serving your clientelle -- giving them a product or service that truly benefits them.

If your company wants more profits, it needs to provide more service. It needs to GIVE more to its customers and prospective customers. Either you have a better mousetrap, a more convenient mousetrap, a less expensive mousetrap, or a mousetrap that will do more... also wash your windows :-)

So is this a post about best business practices? Yes. It is a post about innovation? Yes. Is this a post about customer service? Yes. But it is also a post about social media marketing services.

Social Media is the ideal way to interact with your customers by taking advantage of today's technology plus the incredible popularity of social media. Did you know, for example, today that more TV shows are watched today are through Social Media than through TV? Social Media is more used than TV, Cable, Newspapers and more -- all combined!

So what does this have to do with your business profits? Well for starters, Social Media lets you interact in a conversation with your prospects and with your customers. A smart social media marketing campaign gives you control over the conversation about your company, its brand, products and services.

LISTENING and conversing lets you know how best to serve (and thus profit) from knowing their needs and their "hot buttons". By knowing what they value, you can ensure you NEVER WASTE ANOTHER MARKETING DOLLAR EVER AGAIN by advertising using an ineffective value proposition. You've just cut out the guessing and gone STRAIGHT TO RESULTS.

If this is of value to your business (and it is), then call us at 972-822-3587 for your Social Media Marketing Strategy and Services. We look forward to making you shine!

Nov 14, 2009

Use Marketing-Savvy Design to Communicate Smarter for More Results

Simply look at the power of marketing-savvy design? Customers expect and demand, more from the design of everything they buy. Merely good design is not good enough anymore.

Successful companies as varied as Adobe, Nokia, Toyota, and Virgin all understand that great design is a prerequisite for turning consumers into loyal customers. Whether it's software or sippy cups, when something works right, looks right, and feels right, it sparks a positive emotional connection. People come to like it and loyalty soon follows, along with the three Rs: Repurchase, Reuse, and Recommend. In this way, these benefits come directly to your bottom line.

Professional, Marketing-savvy Design shapes the way winners communicate, connect, educate and persuade.

Strategic graphic design is a catalyst for reinventing and reimagining. Smart companies are leveraging design as a competitive tool -- and stealing market share from formidable foes. And in this year's most far-reaching development: we see how companies like Procter & Gamble and Samsung are using design thinking to recast their strategic thinking.

Where you innovate, how you innovate, and what you innovate are all design issues. When you bring design thinking into that strategic discussion, you introduce a powerful tool to the purpose of the entire endeavor, which is to grow.

Whether you are providing leadership, mapping out a marketing strategy, innovating part of a supply chain, or streamlining a manufacturing operation -- that is, if you are a decision maker facing a opportunity to excel -- think about this question as you meet with our crack team problem solvers: What are you doing to fully capitalize on marketing and design's power and promise?

Promise Productions' Strategic Creative Design Services are applied to Command Attention and Get Results. Come, taste our curiously strong design and grow your bottom line by calling 972-822-3587.

Nov 12, 2009

Strategic Social Media Marketing Management

Applying Strategic Skills for Successful Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Learn how Promise Productions successfully manages your company's social media marketing campaign by harnessing our insight and strategy with the goals of your business. With the exploding growth of social media, 
the need to apply strategic thinking to your public relations and
communications campaigns has never been more critical. Join with Promise Productions and learn how to join forces to create ultimate
social media success.

Our Social Media Campaign Management Services will provide:
  • A clear cultural understanding needed to communicate with social media tools.
  • A framework for using social media in business continuity planning.
  • An overview of how we choose the right social media tools to meet your objectives.
  • A plan of attack for incorporating social media in your marketing, communications and business growth plans.
  • Knowledge of how to transition your communications experience and know-how to social media.
  • The additional skills you’ll need to manage a successful social media campaign.
Contact Promise Productions MarPromise Productions Marketing Communications at 972-822-3587 to get on the road to results!

Nov 7, 2009

Social Media Marketing - 4 Reasons to Launch Now

Friends, this is such a relevant article, we are re-posting Chris' material on our blog.
4 Reasons to Launch Your Social Web Campaign Now!

By Chris J Marentis
Social media marketing is the hottest "business reality-show" that's generating leads for businesses of all sizes. As every business owner knows, leads are the lifeblood of their companies. Getting a consistent flow of profitable leads today is hard.
At a time when customers use social networking to search, discuss and explore new ideas and opportunities, "Companies have no choice. This is where their customers are going," reported USA Today on August 27, 2009.
Advice on how to implement various social media marketing opportunities like Facebook, Twitter, Delicious and others abound. However, like any media campaign, you need to make sure your social media program is strategic, measurable and encompasses the entire spectrums of opportunities that are right for your business.
Four key reasons social marketing will lift your business prospects are:
  1. You can easily dominate your market at little to no cost. Because social media marketing is SEO on steroids, it has the ability to reach across all the important places for your niche on the Internet.
  2. Using the right content distribution and management strategy will get you a consistent flow of quality leads.
  3. You have control and can literally get started within hours if you want. Even better, you don't need to go through a sales rep or purchase process.
  4. You can leverage expertise and become an authority in your niche with "followers" in social media groups. You business will be the "first call" when customers want to learn about products and services in your niche.
Never in the history of consumer selling have companies, from one-person shops to multi-national corporations, been handed such an effective, low-cost opportunity to carry out promotional efforts. Learn how to leverage this effective new tool for your business or you will soon be left behind.
Bravo, Chris. We could not agree more. For smarter Dallas Marketing, call the firm of Promise Productions at 972-822-3587.

Nov 5, 2009

Dallas Training Video Production - Benefits Example

Sally Beauty Supply provides more than 5,000 beauty products to 3,200 stores internationally.

Sally Beauty Supply encourages a depth of product knowledge among its store employees by providing monthly merchandising videos to its stores that explain the features and recommended use of new products. They report that such training goes a long way to providing outstanding service and continued customer loyalty.

In a day in age where many companies are shrinking, Sally Beauty Supply is using smart video production to provide consistent employee training that is sustaining near record growth.

There are numerous ways to use video production to enhance your profits:
training video production
marketing video production
social media video production
advertising video production
and so forth.

Come take advantage of video -- more powerful than ever -- thanks to the Internet and smart phones. Call our Dallas video production studios at 972-822-3587.

Nov 4, 2009

Social Media Marketing - Dallas Case Study - Update

As an update to the previous post, it has now been 48 hours since we launched our video + blog social media release for our client providing Dallas Bar Mitzvah Photography. Let's see how the Google rankings have changed:

• Google Position #1 remains.
• Google position #1 has spawned a second link at spot #2
• Google Position #4 has become #20 as the video's newness quickly fades to other video uploads.
• Google Position #5 has moved down to #6 losing one place due to other's website activity.
• Google Position #9 has moved down to #10. That is a good thing as last on the page gets more attention then next to last.

We still have 4 great links, functioning as signposts to our client on the first page. Overall, an improvement in positioning to get more responses.

The client website? It still ranks at #18, towards the bottom of page 2, which is not enough to get much traction even though it is in the top percentile of the 118,000 competitors.

We will keep you updated with continued results and we welcome your inquiries for successful marketing communications and social media marketing at Promise Productions -- 972-822-3587.

Social Media Marketing - Dallas Case Study

A Promise Productions Strategic Marketing, we've been preaching the virtues of Social Media Marketing, especially when wed to video production.

Why? Because everyone is looking for real results these days, and our marketing strategies DELIVER.

Here is a quick example of exactly what we mean by "deliver."

We have a specific search term our client wants to rank high in that has 118,000 competing websites. First, we created a short video for the client. We posted it to our strategic business blog (set up using our system). Then we used our social media video distribution service to spread it around. Within 24 hours here are the results:

We captured the #1 Google position. Not with the blog itself, but through our syndication with a major, highly ranked blog. Next, we captured Google's 4th, 5th positions from places we sent the video to. Lastly, we scored Google's 9th position with another blog that picked up and re-posted our video.

Results? Yes, basically HALF the first page in Google in 24 hours promotes the video, which also promotes the client's website.

This is more powerful than hundreds of dollars pumped into Search Engine Optimization of the primary business site. We will followup with a future post to see how Google's rankings unfold after a little more time.

For marketing results, Covenant Designs' strategies have incredible value. Get in on the smart approach to today's marketing -- call 972-822-3587.

Nov 3, 2009

Top 10 Social Media Marketing Tips For Businesses

Put a face to your business! As Social Media Marketing Specialists, here are the Top 10 ideas Promise Productions recommends for companies to succeed at Social Media.

1 • Know Your Distinct Value
It is not necessarily about what you think sets your business apart -- no, it is about WHY your customers actually come to you. To really know this, you have to be in dialogue with your customers. Know what sets you apart as specifically as possible.

This truth underscores why it’s important to be involved in social media consersations -- monitoring what is being said about your company. and reconcile your customers’ opinions with your story so that the brand message is consistent and credible.

2 • Knowing Your Value Proposition, maximize it!
Maintain excellence around your differentiators. Unlike ads, social media has permanence. Since what’s expressed about your brand is permanently searchable, if you are always changing the message of your value your business communications, you will confuse your audience and water down your brand.

3 • Be Visible Where Your Prospects Are
Set up your social network hub where your customers are. We recommend a presence on Facebook because it is the largest social network with over 300M users and is one of the top-trafficked site in many countries. The volume and the intent (sharing, lifestyle) make it suitable for any business.

4 • Use Social Media To Provide Value
Everyone wants value, so do your customers. Use content about your differentiators as “landing beacons.” Attract interested consumers to your hub with great content. You want consumers (and prospective customers) to be attracted to and stay loyal to your brand because of your value -- your differentiators.

5 • Make fans not friends.
Fans on Facebook and Followers on Twitter give users the power to opt-in to being associated with you, which is exactly what you want. It’s low risk (non pushy) for your fans, and you can stay focused on sharing the great things about your brand.

6 • Engage, not advertise.
Social Media is about sharing what you love. As a business, share what you are passionate about -- things that would interest your prospects. Do things that would please them, reward their loyalty, and personalize whenever possible. In this way you become ATTRACTIVE.

7 • Link to allies.
Simply take natural allies and promote each other's services. It is win-win, but you have to be willing to actually give of your time and energy first.

8 • Partner with brands that complete the picture
Your industry may synchronize closely with other industries. A lawncare service might partner (associate themselves) with a tree trimming business. Diamonds and gold go together. Wedding gowns and wedding photography might form a strategic alliance.

In your network, introduce the partners that best complete the customer's experience. Prospective customers of their business might be good prospects for your's too.

9 • Respond quickly, and with empathy, to negative posts.
Brands, like people, show their true colors when they’re under attack, so complaints, though unpleasant, can be opportunities for you to shine. Unless it’s a systemic problem, other fans will likely ignore the complaint, rise to defend you, or understand that the issue is between the complaining fan and you.

In most cases, they will appreciate that you did something, even if all you do is to request to address the issue offline with the complaining fan. Doing nothing makes observing fans wonder what happened.

10 • Develop a social media policy for your employees.
How many of the 300M Facebook users also work for you? Chances are, quite a few. Employees can be your biggest promoters… or unintentional detractors. As you venture into social media, make sure that your employees are on the same page as you.

Promise Productions is a Dallas-Based Strategic Marketing Communications Firm. One of our strengths is in managing company's Social Media Marketing Campaigns. For social media and other ways to be most profitable, call 972-822-3587.

Nov 2, 2009

Dallas Training Video Production Benefits Your Business

Today, hiring and retaining the best talent is challenging. As a businessperson, you know that a more competent workforce is necessary to give your business the edge and ensure increasing profits.

Traditionally training employees has been expensive -- not just in the cost to develop and deliver that training, but costly in terms of time away from work to get, and stay, trained.

Promise Productions is a strategic marketing firm with expertise in training through video. Video training offers enormous advantages. Here are four benefits:

1 • Guarantees consistent and thorough Information Presentation
2 • Deliver training through the web via video – bringing the training to the employee instead of bringing the employee to the training

3 • Goes beyond telling about, to demonstrating and showing the proper procedure
4 • Gets remembered and applied because more senses are engaged

We can create video-based training for your customers or employees that is designed to train and retrain employees. We can assist with effectively communicating your training material in a memorable way. Your business has unique needs, but here are some common areas that would benefits from our video production of training materials for your company:

• Custom Service Skills: conflict resolution, services and support
• Industry and client specific training
• Workplace compliance and law update seminars
• Performance appraisals
• Sexual harassment awareness training
• On-site hiring, firing and disciplinary training
• Recommended federal and state training and OSHA guidelines

We look forward to providing your company with time and money saving video-based training solutions. For these and other marketing and video production needs, call Promise Productions today at 972-822-3587.

Wise Perspective for the Big Picture On Your Strategic Profits

As we've said, the rules for business success have changed. The economics have changed. The customers have new wants, needs and are looking more and more online and to social media for their influential information. That means your marketing must change too.

One of the ways we are of most value to your business is in smart strategy for attracting your best clients. As a Dallas marketing communications firm, yes, we are versed in all the traditional advertising channels of graphic design, brochures and direct mail, but where we really shine is Online Marketing and Social Media Marketing.

Add to that our in-house Dallas Video Production services, and you have a powerhouse for profits. Video Marketing is so effective today because (a) your audience is already receptive to and downright prefers communication through video and (b) of all the new ways to get your videos into the hands of your target audience through the web, social media and smart phones.

Let our team put your business on track for new business and expanded profits at 972-822-3587.

Nov 1, 2009

Dallas Social Media Marketing Communications

Friends, past forms of advertising are still with us, but are losing ground every day to the emerging power of Social Media Marketing. As a marketing communications firm, Promise Productions is all about connecting businesses with the clients/customers they need to be most profitable.

That is why we made this very basic video to discuss how a business can effectively engage with social media as a communications and marketing goldmine:

Social Media Marketing is the NEW ADVERTISING, but not by interrupting or pushing your message at prospects. Rather it is entering into the already existing online conversation areas discussing your industry, your services, your brand and your products.

We are quick to emphasize that Social Media Marketing MUST be done with a smart strategy in a highly-integrated way in order to be effective. Given all the ways a company could waste their time and efforts in this new form of self-promotion, we encourage your business to consult with us to create the best structures and practices for social media marketing and to outsource your social media marketing to Promise Productions.

Advertising is no longer the same, and will never be the same. Don't be left behind in the new marketing, call Promise Productions Strategic Marketing today at 972-822-3587.